Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Final Curtain

Well this is it. You've read about the auditions, the rehearsals, the set builds, the performances.

You've seen the sets, you've seen the review (am still seething that NODA didn't come to review it) and if you've read this blog from the beginning you will have read about the many highs and some of the lows. The laughter and the tears ( and there's been quite a few of those!).

To EVERYONE involved with Dick - THANK YOU. I am immensely proud of the show which CAST put on this Christmas and I have a lot of memories, most of which are stored right here!

I wonder if I'll miss this blogging lark?.....

So that's it. My job is now officially over. No more Dick for me.....

Producer x

Lyric of the Blog: " Regrets, I've had a few; But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway, But more, much more than this, I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spat it out (eventually!!!!!). I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried. I've had my fill; my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing. To think I did all that; And may I say - not in a shy way, No, oh no not me, I did it my way.

For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught. To say the things he truly feels; And not the words of one who kneels. The record shows I took the blows -And did it my way! " Frank Sinatra

Monday, December 18, 2006

The stage and band pit

Something simple was called for here. I always think that the simplest things often give the greatest impact and I'm all for continuity. Having come up with the idea fairly early on in the set planning stages, the stage surround and band pit was left until almost last to paint to ensure that the pale background colour didn't get marked in any way.

Several members of the cast undercoated and painted the background colours for me and then on the final set build Sunday, 'Alice' spent approx. 8 hours, I think, painting in the DW's and tiding up all the edges so that everything looked good.

Lyric of the Blog: " And I won't break and I won't bend. And with the last breath we ever take. We're gonna get back to the simple life again " Elton John

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Set 7 - The Sultan's Palace

This set, I am very proud to say was my idea. I wanted to do something 'very different' for the palace scene and had the idea of representing a bedouin tent using draped fabrics rather than just using a painted backdrop.

Each of the lengths of fabric was hemmed for strength and then 'Secretary' sewed loops to the corners for me one evening at a set build. These loops were then numbered. Hooks were screwed into the hardback and side flats so that the scene could be set quickly.

We 'made' the tent in situ to get all the lengths right and the stage crew screwed a pulley into the stage roof with a line and carabina attached to be able to hoist up the fabric quickly.

The idea for the dropcloth itself and the side flats again came from a pastel drawing done by my mate at work. The dropcloth hangs immediately in front of the hardback where the fabric is fixed.

Lyric of the Blog: " All I want is a room somewhere, Far away from the cold night air. With one enormous chair, Aow, wouldn't it be loverly? " My Fair Lady

Set 6 - The Dungeons

This design was an idea from me which was taken by my mate at work and turned into a pastel drawing which could be copied easily and painted by the cast.

It was marked out by the cast and then painted predominantly by the girlfriend of 'Idle Jack' with some help from other cast members on the iron bars and windows.

Lyric of the Blog: "Close every door to me, hide all the world from me, bar all the windows and shut out the light" Joseph

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Set 5 - The Shores of Morocco

The drop cloth is the same but the sun on the water becomes the custard lagoon and with the addition of the boulder, two palm trees on the side flats and the jelly with whipped cream puddings.

Yes - It's the terrible script misprint. It's Dessert Island!

Lyric of the Blog: " We're going where the sun shines brightly. We're going where the sea is blue" Summer Holiday

Friday, December 15, 2006

Purr-fect Pantomime

Slough Express Friday December 8th 2006

CAST are staging Dick Whittington as their annual pantomime in Colnbrook Village Hall this year and, this time, they have adapted an original script to suit their needs.

CD makes a very refreshing and convincing 'baddie', as villain King Rat, although LH as Fairy Bowbelle always gives as good as she gets! AM sings powerfully but sweetly as 'love interest' Alice Fitzwarren - ably matched by LW as hero Dick and together they make a perfect couple.

Pet cat Tommy - played to 'purrfection' by MS almost steals the show with an array of well-observed cat-like body movements whilst a major comedy element comes from 'village idiot' Idle Jack (MS) and Alderman Fitzwarren (FB), both of whom have a good command of deadpan humour and timing.

RI as the Dame, Sarah the Cook, leaves the audience in stitches at his near 'Lily Savage' rendition of this larger than life character. Add to this the appearance of a pantomime horse disguising itself as a reindeer, plus some 'audience participation' in which some audience members are invited onto the stage and you have all the ingredients to make a successful pantomime.

Produced and Directed by CD and SO, the slick script is reinforced by superb musical direction and orchestration, showcases some impressive choreography plus a cast of extremely enthusiastic chorus members, so, if you haven't already done so, make sure you get your tickets asap.


Lyric of the Blog: " It's what the papers say. You know it's right. It's down there written in black and white ... for you " Nik Kershaw

Set 4 - Aboard the Golden Duck

This set was used in various guises through the show. It was painted almost entirely by 'Make Up Artist' and it's just fab. I needed a general seascape which could be used for aboard the boat, the UV scene under the waves and the island scene in Morocco. It's not easy devising sets that will work on a small stage in a village hall with limited space.

Note that the barrow has been covered so that it could stay on the set due to the very limited space in the wings to store it.

Lyric of the Blog: " Deck Dance, Romance, No problems in advance. Sea dogs, are we" Moby Dick

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mort - and the Blog goes on....

This evening sees the return of the cast clan to CVH for the read through of the group's 2007 spring play. Yes - we start again 'that' soon after the last show!!!

It will be Terry Pratchett's 'Mort'.

"Death come to us all and when he came to Mort, he offered him a job"

The two Directors and Producer are eagerly awaiting tonight, even though auditions are not until January 4th and Producer has decided even though he hasn't actually read http://www.allaboutdick.blogspot.com/ to start his own blog. He plans to read 'Dick' in it's entirety, when I have finished it!

So let me introduce you to http://www.allaboutdeath.blogspot.com/. The link is on my front page as well. Apparently it's all my fault (but he still thought it was a good enough idea to copy!!!)

Lyric of the Blog: " So this is who I am and this is all I know. And I must choose to live for all that I can give. The spark that makes the power grow And I will stand for my dream if I can. Immortality. There is a vision and a fire in me. I keep the memory of you and me inside " The Bee Gees

Set 3 - Fitzwarren's Store

Setman may have come up with the idea of the double hardback that hinged out to meet the side flats but it was the girlfriend of 'Idle Jack' who designed the shop interior and brought it to life, helped by a number of the cast who painted the sweet jars, fruit and veg, books and signs etc.

Note 'Fitzwarren's name painted back to front on the inside of the 'glass' on the door. It was painted the right way round on the other side as well!!!

For the shop scene, the barrow has been reversed to show the other side which was the shop counter and the cupboard on the barrow side contained all the props for the scene.
Lyric of the Blog: " Little Shop, Little shoppa Horrors "

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Plaster of !

I finally gave in to the nagging pains in my hand and wrist today and went back to A&E this morning to be reassessed. 4 hours later, having spent much of the time waiting and trying to help the time pass by completing a Suduko puzzle book which 'Box Office' gave me for my birthday, trying to write with my wrong hand.

I am now the proud owner of a 'back slab!'. Basically the whole of my arm to the elbow is in plaster but only the top and sides are solid, the underside is just bandaged. I've never had a cast before. Apparently they take 24 hours to try out. It's cold, it's damp and it's making me feel colder than I really am. Oh yeah - and it's bloody heavy as well!!!!!

How on earth I will get any Christmas cards written and Christmas shopping done, I dread to think.

Lyric of the Blog: " I sometimes realize...I could only be as good as you'll let me. Are you woman enough to be my man? Bandaged hand in hand " Pearl jam

Set 2 - The Sewers

King Rat's lair!

Setman found some images on the Internet to give me a starting point but it was 'Box Office' and 'Programme Editor' who brought the ideas to 'life' on the set. I think you'll agree that they did an amazing job. How neither of them swore at me at the set build when they asked what I thought - and I told them that I thought the perspective lines on the tunnel roof were going too close together too quickly to start off with I'll never know. They just painted out some of the lines and carried on.

I also got the 'best job' of painting in the highlights on the watery sludge
and finishing the set with the little white blob at the vanishing point, signifying the light at the end of the tunnel.

I knew it was there somewhere!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " The inside might be as black as the night, but at the end of the tunnel there's a light" Starlight Express

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Set 1 - The Street Scene

Now the run of the show has come to an end, I thought I'd take the opportunity before I bring this blog to an end to share with you some pictures of the sets from the show.

The first set for the opening of the show was the street scene which was painted on the external side of the double hardback.

The design was taken from a postcard of Captain Cook's House, Grape Lane, Whitby.

The pictures below show the initial construction of the double hardback and shots of the set in progress during the various set build days (and nights!).

Lyric of the Blog: " I have often walked down this street before; But the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before. All at once am I Several stories high. Knowing I'm on the street where you live " My Fair Lady

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wash Day blues

It's time to finally try to return the house to being a house rather than a Production Office and Costume department! That said, there's 3 crates of costumes sitting in the hall ready to go to a local school, several full bin bags still in the conservatory and a costume rail and the ashing machine is working overtime again!

A quite reflective day in store and then a chance to meet up with everyone tonight. It's specifically 'Paying In' night and as my expense sheet now stands at £1221.72 and the receipt envelope is bulging I'll be first in line once the front of house team have sorted out the ticket sales income but it's also just a chance to sit back, catch up and chat.

These first few days after a show always seem very strange when you've spend so much time together with everyone and are suddenly back to 'normal' on your own. The adrenalin highs are gone. I can see why some performers get into trouble with drink and drugs to replace those highs.

Lyric of the Blog: " All the things I could do, if I had a little money " Abba

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Set Strike - Sun 10th Dec

Several incredibly bleary eyed cast members drifted into the hall from 10am onwards to strike the sets, sound tower, raked seating, dressing rooms, prop store, make up, front of house etc and return the hall to it's normal state! There were a lot of rather ill and overtired faces, still hungover who in some cases hadn't actually been to sleep or bed at all!

'Alice', 'Secretary' and I brought the majority of the costumes back to my house at lunchtime so that they could be washed asap as some including the harem girls and Mustapha & Leek are going straight out on hire this morning! 'Alice' and 'Stan' have also taken a bin bag full of costumes each home to wash for me. We'd just started unpacking the cars and erecting the costume rail in my conservatory when my mate from next door but one who had been in the audience for the final show came in to see how my wrist was. She volunteered her washing machine to help out and left the house an hour later with a bin bag full of costumes to wash for me as well - what a star.

One thought struck me at lunchtime - that we never managed to take a cast photo, which we have for the last couple of shows, of everyone together in their costumes. That is a shame.

The three of us returned to the hall to find the lads hard at work still trying to find room to put everything away and the last of us finally left, absolutely exhausted at approx 4:30pm. Eight exceptionally hungry, tired people headed for the local Toby carvery for a quick roast before heading home. No one said very much. Everyone was too tired by that point and looked wrecked.

After 5 loads of washing were done it's was finally time for bed!

Lyric of the Blog: " But look outside and dream it's only when you look inside you'll understand. And I'll be there I'll be there. Say the end is near. The end is near " Embrace

The Aftershow Party!

The Party!

Something everyone in the cast looks forward to. Time to let their hair down and party - and boy did we party!!

It was hosted by the parent of one of the kids in the show. I wonder if they really knew in advance what they were letting themselves in for ....

Everyone arrived just after midnight with more beer and food than we could have possibly got through in a night. There were people dancing in the front room and at various times during the night a guitar and a keyboard arrived and MD, Bass Guitarist and Sound Engineer jammed for various impromptu singalongs!

Director stopped everyone at one point and gave me a draft copy of this blog, in black and white. I had joked with Programme Editor who works for a newspaper about publishing it for me and little did I know but it's in progress.

I finally gave up and came home at approx. 4:30am (so I'm told!) Not bad considering how much the arm was hurting by then, but then Smirnoff Ice is a reasonable pain killer! I think the remaining few people slept where they fell/sat.

Lyric of the Blog: " Well, my friends, the time has come, To raise the roof and have some fun. Throw away the work to be done, Let the music play on (play on, play on). Everybody sing, everybody dance, Lose yourself in wild romance. We're going to party, Karamu, fiesta, forever. Come on and sing along! " Lionel Richie

(Posted 11/12/2006 but written 10/12/2006)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Final Performance Sat 9th Dec

After some tea and putting our feet up it was time to redo the make up and don the costumes for the very last time.

Most of the audience were either CAST members who were not in the show, family and friends so it was always going to be a great night and it didn't disappoint.

I was concerned as on several previous occasions cast members have let the sense of 'last night' run away with them and people have been left cringing in the wings as the ad lib comments which have been made. Setman and the backstage crew had just the right number of additional practical jokes to amuse both the audience and the cast including a rat taped to a remote control toy car for Tommy the cat to chase, an extra large custard pie for Idle Jack and additional water pistols for the sea scene.

There were a few too many extra 'one liners' in the first half and it did start to drag a little as people lost their place in the script but overall it was a damm good show and we had the audience on their feet singing with us for the walkdown.

Unfortunately, one cast member didn't make it back on stage in time for the walkdown which I'm really sorry about and I'm sure spoilt the night for both her and her 'double act partner'. A decision was made in the interval by Director that although it would be nice to have them on stage, neither Dobbin or Father Christmas were really necessary for the community song as there were so few children in the audience and all that we needed was for Dame to keep talking long enough for the two principal characters to change into their wedding gear. So, the band were told at the end of the interval that as soon as dame finished the Community Song, they were to start playing the walkdown music straight away.

So, Dobbin was put away, ready for hire on Monday but someone decided to change the plans at the last minute, found the costume and Dobbin went on stage for the Community Song after all. That meant that because the walkdown started so quickly afterwards, the people inside didn't get chance to change out of the costume and get on stage. I guess that's the downside of going against an decision which has already been made, on the spur of the moment.

At the end of the performance the main tabs opened one final time and Dame stepped forward to thank everyone for attending and made a presentation on stage - something we NEVER do - to ME!

To say I was gobsmacked doesn't go anywhere near. I had absolutely no idea whatsoever what they were planning! I was speechless!

I am now also the proud owner of a beautiful bear called Trilogy to add to my Deans collection plus some lovely flowers and a great card which everyone had signed. WOW !

Lyric of the Blog: " This is my moment. This is my perfect moment with you. I wish I could freeze this space in time. The way that I feel for you inside. And if tomorrow brings a lonely day. Here and now I know I haven't lived in vain " Martine McCutcheon

(Posted 11/12/2006 but written 9/12/2006)

Matinee Performance Sat 9th Dec

Our last day of performances. Having not got to bed until well after 3am due to a late night beer (well, tea in my case!) at Guitarists house, a lie in was called for so I was barely awake and dressed before it was time to head for The Ostrich Inn to meet my Cousin for lunch before she and her family came to see the show.

This matinee performance was sold out approx. one month ago and was always going to be a noisy one due to the two block bookings of Beavers, Cubs and Brownies that were there.

To be fair, although the audience carried us, it wasn't our best performance of the run. I think everyone was holding back slightly to give their all for the final performance in the evening. There were a few voices (mine included which were starting to 'crack' and would probably only just hold out for the last show.

That said, "Bilgewater" put in a sterling performance as Sultan, covering for 'Sultan', who couldn't make the matinee performance due to work. Bilgewater learnt the part, lines and blocking in less than a week and did himself proud.

Lyric of the Blog: " We're leaving together But still it's farewell. And maybe we'll come back to earth, who can tell I guess there is no one to blame, We're leaving ground (leaving ground). Will things ever be the same again. It's the final countdown..." Europe

(Posted in retrospect 11/12/2006 by written on 9/12/2006)

Evening Performance Fri 8th Dec

The day started when four of us met for lunch at Nando's before heading to the cinema nearby to see Happy Feet. We had promised ourselves a year ago that we would go and see it when we saw the trailer.

After the film we came back to mine and watched some of the DVD of our 2004 production of Stephen Sondheim's Company before heading to the village hall to set up for the performance.

We knew in advance that it would be a noisy one as we had two block bookings of nearly 100 kids but boy, were they noisy. It was great! I spent the first two scenes of the show trying to work out why I couldn't see out of one eye as I had blurred vision. It was only when I got off stage between scenes to check my lenses that I realised that I'd managed to put the novelty contact lens in on top of my normal prescription lens instead of taking the other one out first!

Yet again everyone was fab in helping me to get changed and get gloves on and off and there was both an ice pack and pain killers waiting for me when I got off stage which I was very grateful for. The reduced mobility and reliance on other people is SO frustrating and as I was in a lot of discomfort after the performance tonight, I wonder what I'll be like after two tomorrow.

I can't quite believe that tomorrow is the last day of the show. Just two more performances to go. I know everyone is looking forward to the last night performance and the party afterwards but I know I'll be sad that it is all over. I would quite happily do another weeks worth of performances if only we had an audience to perform too.

With two performances, the party and the set to strike on Sunday - it's likely that I'll have to blog on paper and update in retrospect on Sunday evening ........

Lyric of the Blog: " I've been trying ooh so long to let you know, Let you know how I feel. And if I stumble if I fall, just help me back, So I can make you see. Please give me one more night, give me one more night " Phil Collins

Friday, December 08, 2006

Evening Performance Thurs 7th Dec

Tonight's audience is one of the reasons I love theatre productions. They make all the hard work by everyone over the recent months seem so worthwhile. They were great. the cast knew they were going to be with us from the moment the curtain went up and they shouted their lungs off for the whole show. Fantastic.

Playing King Rat with my arm in a splint was 'interesting'. Minor adjustments were made to the fight scene at the end so that I couldn't do any more damage to myself and could die and be carried off safely. My hand in the splint with the black glove on just looked like a solid claw or deformity so hopefully won't have detracted from my performance too much.

By the interval I was in need of painkillers and my sling and I was relieved to get some ice on it at the end of the show as it was quite painful and there was no way I could have done the quick change into and out of Dobbin so 'Flora' was the back end for me tonight. Poor 'make up artist' not only had to put my make up on tonight, she ended up half dressing me and taking it all if for me as well.

'Dame' turned up at the hall looking and feeling awful and looks like he's coming down with flu, yet he put in an A1 performance tonight, as did everyone. It's amazing just how a good audience can carry you through.

Lyric of the Blog: " Get around Town, where the people look good, where the music is loud. Add your voice to the sound of the crowd " Human League

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Yet another splint connection

and this time it's me.

Still not sure exactly how I managed it but either during the sword fight or when i was picked up when I was 'dead', I injured my wrist. When I got back to the dressing room and tried to get changed I felt a searing pain shoot though my wrist and hand and when the first aiders got a look at it, they packed it in ice and put it in a sling as it was a 'funny shape and didn't look good'.

Setman took me to A&E whilst 'Alice' dropped my car home. They sent me to x-ray and once done we spent a fun packed 2+ hours waiting to be seen. Finally got home at 3:30am.

Nothing major showed up on the x-ray but it's likely that I have a hairline fracture. Apparently I might get called back by the hospital to be re assessed as only the emergency night team were on duty and my x-rays will be checked within a couple of days by someone more senior.

So I'm now in a splint and typing with one finger of my left hand. It's not painful as such, just very, very uncomfortable. As to how we manage the the fight scene tonight and how I get on with my costume, including the black gloves, remains to be seen later.

Lyric of the Blog: " Take these broken wings. And learn to fly again, learn to live so free. And when we hear the voices sing. The book of love will open up and let us in " Mr Mister

OAP Performance Weds 6th Dec

It was originally known as 'Age Concern night' because all of the audience were from Age Concern groups. However, now they come from a range of day centres, clubs and residential homes around the area so it's affectionately known as OAP night!

Secretary sends out letters each year to invite groups to see the show. They are then bused to us for the night for a FREE performance! They buy their programmes and their raffle tickets but their tickets to see the show and the tea and coffee in the interval are complimentary.

We get a great audience for the start of our second week of performances and they get a night out on us.

Tonight's audience were great as usual although quiet to start off with and I got to do something I've not done before - the raffle in the hall, in character, which was great fun. Escorting the oldies down to the front of the hall to collect their prizes.

Lyric of the Blog: " Like a favourite pair of torn blue jeans, This skin I'm in it's alright with me. It's not old - just older" Bon Jovi

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I name this ship ....

On one of the late night set builds we all got talking about how and why various pieces of our kit are named. So with a lack of anything to really write about until after tonight's performance I thought I'd commit a few of these names to blog. If nothing else it'll show just how warped we all are, especially after a 16 hour set build day.

Graham - Now dec'd. The original band pit surround and the start of the naming of kit. The boys were all down the shed in the early days of the group tidying up and logging the groups assets. When asked what to call the thingy that went round the band, someone said "Let's call it "Graham".

Slagmuffin - The long piece of timber that goes up from the band pit and covers the hall door to Room 2.

Morph - The desk that converted into a bed which was used for Sweet Charity.

Titanic - The two tier band pit which was built for Sweet Charity to house the brass section on the upper deck. It has subsequently been used as the castle ramparts for Snow White and the nest for Honk amongst other shows. It is also know as Tit, Titan or Ic depending on how many sections are used at any given time.

Dougal - The moving platform on wheels with a role at either end used for 'swimming' on stage through fabric 'water'. Originally made for Puss in Boots.

Pugh - The four pews made for the church scene in Moby Dick were christened Pugh, Pugh, Pugh and Pugh.

Barney McGrew - The short stool used on the set for Moby Dick. Cuthbert - An 8 foot high stool used to reach a similarly high bar and Grub - The pulpit/bar.

George and Zippy - The new band pit surround for 2006. named after the fact that Director who plays drums and Bass Guitar do a fantastic rendition of Rainbow's "Since You've been Gone" in the voices of George and Zippy..... To be heard to be believed.

Hands Off - The toll bar for Dick Whittington and Humphrey - the workman's hole barrier. Now we are really showing our ages!!

Epi - Market barrow/shop counter. This takes some explaining.... The store is called Fitzwarren's so we thought we would call it Fitz, but the Programme Editor said that fits was non pc (he should know) and it should be called seizure. No one liked the name seizure so it's called Epi..... Hmmm. I think that was a 2:30am naming .....

Jonny - The safe in Fitzwarren's store. Another 2;30am naming, I believe.

If I've forgotten any, I'm sure someone will tell me later! as Programme Editor put the link to the blog in the shows programme under my name as Producer for all to read !!!

Lyric of the Blog: "I play my part and you play your game. You give love a bad name"
Bon Jovi

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It's been another exceptionally quiet performance free day and I was beginning to feel a bit isolated from everyone although Director has been on the phone three times today already!!

This morning I took my fellow set designer to the village hall to view the finished sets. Unfortunately he won't get to any of the shows but wanted to see how the drawings he had provided me with had been interpreted and looked as sets in 'real life'.

Much of the rest of my day has been spent working on the group's wardrobe database. It's very much 'work in progress' and I've been updating it with all of the costumes both made and bought for this show so that as soon as photo's have been taken of each person in costume they can be added to the file and referenced as well as updating details for some forthcoming hires.

Bilgewater has also just texted to ask for the words to Sultan's song. I assume that means that he will be playing the part for this coming matinee in which Sultan isn't available.

Lyric of the Blog: " All I ever wanted, All I ever needed, Is here in my arms. Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm. Enjoy the silence" Depeche Mode

Monday, December 04, 2006

All is Calm, All is Bright!

A quiet day spent mainly at home washing and tidying up other than a quick trip to the supermarket for child and oap friendly additional raffle prizes for the forthcoming shows.

'Dick' arrived at mine just after 5pm and the two of us got into costume. 'Dick' dressed up as Dick but as the make up for King Rat is a bit complicated I dressed up as Tommy the cat in the spare adult sized cat costume that was purchased on EBay some time ago. 'Dick' was a bit cold in shorts and tights. I was a bit warm in fur !!

We then walked into the village centre for the switching on of the local Christmas lights. Two local children from one of the schools were switching them on and there was a very short carol service led by the Salvation Army band. 'Dick' and I joined in and sang the descants to all the carols before following everyone to the pub for a drink of mulled wine and a mince pie!!!

We handed out some pantomime fliers to promote the remaining performances of the show and spoke to one youngster about possibly joining the youth section, CAST Academy in the new year. All in all, a good hours "work".

Now it's back home for a quiet evening. It seems very strange being on my own in a quiet house when I've been so busy and had so many people around me for some many days and such long hours.

Lyric of the Blog: " On my own, pretending he’s beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him I feel his arms around me. And when I loose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me" Les Miserables

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cards and Pressies

Just a short blog today - and actually posted on the same day instead of in retrospect in the small hours of the following morning!

No performances now until Wednesday 6th December so a very well earned rest for all the cast, band and crew.

Had some really great pressies from the gang including some Molton Brown smellies from Dick, a sweatshirt from Programme Editor, some Sudoku puzzle books from Box Office and Bilgewater, some DVDs from Alderman Fitzwarren.

Setman bought me a rat charm on a necklace which was wrapped up in a very sensible new form of environmentally friendly packing. Maltesers Mini packs !!! Better than polystyrene chips any day. I also had a ticket from Director to see ASIA at Shepherds Bush Empire this evening.

Lyric of the Blog: "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday Dear Producer!!!!!!!, Happy Birthday to me" Trad.

Evening Performance Sat 2nd Dec

Once the matinee performance had ended we all got out of costume. A few people went to McDonald's whilst others ate sandwiches, fish and chips etc in the bar whilst watching TV and putting their feet up before the evening show. There was also an emergency pump out of the mens toilets due to a blockage. NICE!!!!

No sooner was the make up off and we'd eaten than it was almost time to start the process all over again!. The snack boxes were replenished for front of house and it was back to make up for another 15/20 minutes in the chair to be re plastered!

We had the smallest audience to date this evening (approx 40) but they 'got going' eventually after some encouragement and by the time it got to Idle Jack's song they were with us and singing along in the chorus!

Amongst the audience were also two of the three representatives from the charities we had been supporting for the past twelve months who had come to collect their cheques.

Also in the audience was our No1 fan. "Shovel's" Mum who has seen all three performances this week and used to regularly come to all 8/9 performances of previous shows before she was exceptionally ill a couple of years ago.

Once the show was over and the portakabins had been cleared of all costumes and make up, the majority of us retired to the bar for a well earned beer before heading for home.

Lyric of the Blog " I don't why why she's leaving, or where she's gonna go, I guess she's got her reasons but I just don't wanna know, 'Cause for twenty four years I've been living next door to Alice" Smokie

Matinee Performance Sat 2nd Dec

After a lie in, Setman, Box Office and I went to the local cafe for a full cooked breakfast before heading to the hall to put up the remaining front of house photos and mend the light sabre which had been broken during Friday night's show. Luckily a some solder, superglue and masking tape was all it took to get it fixed even if the audience did think it hilarious that King Rat had broken his favourite toy at the time.

The performance went well. The audience of approx 80 were great once they'd got going and the kids shouted their heads off. One delightful small child even yelled out "Now Die!" during one of my earlier speeches which caused some hilarity as well.

'Dick' managed to walk onto stage in completely the wrong part of one scene and walked straight off again which caused much amusement in the wings.

As per Friday night, the principal characters lined the foyer to say goodbye to the kids. Lots of comments made about the contact lenses which people either seem to laugh at of really hate. Most of the cast are just about getting used to them, I think.

We also had the winner of the Dame Costume design competition in the audience and after the show the winner had her photograph taken with the Dame and costumier for the local papers.
Lyric of the Blog: " It’s time to put on makeup. It’s time to dress up right. It’s time to raise the curtain" The Muppet Show

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Opening Night. Fri 1st Dec

A day and a half!

It all started with 9 of the cast plus a little one meeting for lunch at the Italian restaurant in Colnbrook for my 'birthday meal'. Unfortunately all the late nights had caught up on everyone and I, in particular was exceptionally tired and by the end of the meal my 'game over' light was on red - and I had only had one drink.

The 'boys' bundled me into Room 1 at the village hall at 3pm with a cup of tea, air-bed and pillow and I slept for three hours solid! They came and woke me up at 6pm having put out the rest of the chairs and front of house together. All I had to do was get my hair and make up done in time for the performance, once I was functioning.

Opening night itself was fab. We had an audience of 95 (almost capacity) and they were fantastic. Very spontaneous without being coaxed to shout back and hiss and boo etc. They were with us from the very beginning and throughout the show.

The principals lined the foyer to bid fairwell to the audience as they left. I had a fab surprise as one of my best mates that I've known since I was three was in the audience with her husband and his parents. I hadn't seen her for about a year and I hadn't got a clue they were going to be there. Very emotional.

After getting changed, 20 of us headed for a local Indian restaurant for a curry. As I type this, Box Office and Setman are now sat next to me at the table working on box office tickets for tomorrow's performances. Box office has just polished off the vodka, Setman is wading his way down the whiskey and I'm drinking tea!!

Lyric of the Blog "Opening night...It's opening night!, It's Max Bialystock's latest show. Will it flop or will it go? The cast is taking its final bow. Here comes the audience now, The doors are open: they're on their way... Let's hear what they have to say!" The Producers

Update: 3rd December 2006. According to MD the musical director from The Producers was in the audience on opening night. How bizarre that this should be the lyric chosen for my entry. I wonder what he made of us all?....

Friday, December 01, 2006

Dress Rehearsal 2. Thurs 30th Dec

What was planned as a potential lie in and a mid afternoon start to prepare for this evening was terminated I had a call from Director to say that the first of the portacabins we had borrowed had arrived on site and could I go to the hall to make sure it went in the right place in the car park.

I then went home briefly to collect my kit and returned to the hall in time to supervise the second delivery and wait for the raked seating to arrive in the van with Director from Leicester.

Director, Setman, Box office and I then unloaded the van and then we sat down to toasted sandwiches with Setman's new purchase (4.99!!) before Box Office and 'Bilgewater' set about erecting said raked seating whilst Setman did the electrics for the portacabins.
'Alice' and I finished off filling the matinee boxes for the first performances then Alice made signs on the pc for front of house whilst I sewed numbered labels to the drapes for the Sultan's Palace to help them set the scene quicker.

The Dress Rehearsal itself went well although the pace is still slow and the band seem to have ongoing problems with sound levels.

One problem arose today. The Sultan can't get Sat 9th off work for the matinee.Not only did he not try and take the day off work until today! but he didn't even tell Director or I that he can't do the performance and left it to someone else in the cast to sort out for him. Not impressed.

Director, Director's wife and MD gave us notes and/or instructions tonight on the performance yet some people still took it upon themselves to 'do their own thing' and adlib in both script and songs rather than sticking to how the show has been rehearsed for the last 3 months. It's just not professional.

We may be a bunch of amateurs, having fun with our hobby, but I get very frustrated by people who insist on going their own way and either doing extras without thinking or doing something they have been asked not to, blatantly, out of sheer bloody mindedness, instead of working as part of the team. Part of me pervertedly hopes that these people will get to direct or produce a show one day and have someone do the same thing to them so they know what it feels like. Even less impressed. Understatement.

The only thing that annoys me more than this is the "It's only panto, it doesn't matter" attitude. It may be panto rather than a serious play or musical and yes, it's supposed to be fun, but it DOES matter. We are putting on a show which people are paying to see and if we muck about or don't get it right, what's the point in doing it at all.
Maybe I care about all this far too much......
Tomorrow night we get let loose on the paying public. God help 'em all !

Lyric of the Blog: " I tried to fight the feeling, the feeling took me down, I struggled and I lost the day you knocked me out. Now everything’s got meaning and meanings bring me down, I’m watching as a screening of my life plays out. Every day I fight these feelings, For your sake I will hide the real thing, You can run all your life, all mine I will chase... You should never fight your feelings, When your very bones believe them, You should never fight your feelings, You have to follow nature’s law" Embrace

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dress Rehearsal 1. Weds 29th Nov

Most of the production team headed to the hall today from approx. 3pm to put the final pieces of the jigsaw together in readiness for the first dress rehearsal. 'Dick' and 'Alice' helped me shred the UV painted fabric into strips and then they bundles them up whilst I spoke to two ladies from Slough Grammar regarding a possible costume hire for their production of Ali Baba. Looks like some of our costumes from Dick, as well as others from Aladdin, may well get reused very quickly afterwards which is fantastic.

The tiredness from all the long days and working into the night has now kicked in big time. I feared that tonight would be a big struggle as by lunchtime I was shattered and felt like I'd hit a brick wall but the adrenalin kicked in where needed and saw me through. I think a lot of the others feel the same.

Three highlights of the evening.

1) Director's wonderful Mum turned up and handed 'Dame' a pair of bloomers she had made for him TODAY because he didn't have any and the ones we had previously used had been hired. 'Dame' was grinning from ear to ear. It was the final straw for this overtired emotional wreck.

2) Everyone's reaction to the contact lenses! No one was able to look me in the eye with them in. If an audience react in the same way on performance nights as the cast did tonight, It'll be great.

3) I literally "stopped traffic" tonight. Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess!! I was stood outside the hall in full costume during the interval and a taxi drove past slowly. The occupants obviously clicked that something wasn't quite normal and a couple of minutes later, the same taxi drove past in the opposite direction with a white van following fairly closely behind. The van driver did a double take and promptly stalled the van!!!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " So look at how, I'm taking the make-up off my face. Before I forget who I am now' Cause I'm not here to let you down, but the Costume Makes the Clown" Shakira

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Technical Day

I arrived back at the hall at 11am (Tuesday!) to set up the dressing rooms with all the costumes. Each cast member has all their costumes labelled and hung on rails whilst any hats, gloves and accessories are put in a clear plastic box which has their names on the front. It took ages!

Eight other members of the production team came and went as the day rolled on to finishing lighting plots, set and painting. The last three of us left the hall at 1:30am. IT'S FINISHED !!!!!! The last thing that we did before we left the hall was to set the stage for each scene and take photographs.

Everyone worked their fingers to the bone today. Even the band.

Lyric of the Blog: "We have arrived at a moment in our lives, when the future passes into our hands. We can find out, are we really strong enough,to fulfill what the future demands.. Bring on tomorrow, Let it shine. Like the sun coming up on a beautiful day, it's yours and mine " Fame

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Technical Rehearsal. Mon 27th Nov

Yep - It really is after 3am.

I got back to the hall at 11am (Monday morning) and a core team of people arrived at various points during the day to paint, finish props and get everything ready for 'tech'.

By the time we had stopped painting to allow everything to dry and all the drop cloths had been hung it was well after 9:30pm. The band, principals and stage were sound checked for both speech and song and then we ran every song with the band and full choreography but no script.

At 11:50pm the majority of the cast went home and the production team set to work again to continue painting the set to try to get it finished. Most of the sets 'work' however there were a few glaringly obvious errors/problems and by the end of tech I had 4 pages of scribbled notes of things to be changed and/or finished.

Still lots to do .....

Lyric of the Blog: " When I get home it's late at night, I'm black and bloody from my life, I haven't time to clean my hands, Cuts will only sting me through my dreams. It's well past midnight as I lie, In a semi-conscious state. I dream of people fighting me Without any reason I can see. In the morning I awake, My arms my legs my body aches, The sky outside is wet and grey. So begins another weary day. So begins another weary day " Madness

Monday, November 27, 2006

Set Build 6. Sun 26th Nov

Just when you think it can't get any worse.....

I drove back to the village hall for 10am this morning and as I drove down the road towards the car park there was an almighty bang and the clutch pedal ceased to exist. A phone call to the RAC and 15 minutes later I had two RAC vans and men who ascertained that it was the bolt holding the clutch cable to the pedal that had sheered off. 2 hours later it was fixed.

Large volumes of painting done again today but unfortunately only two sets out of six completely finished, the sewers and the sea scape. Amusingly they were the last two to be started as well, both on Friday evening.

Make up artist did the seascape and two side flats almost entirely on her own on Friday night and this afternoon whilst Programme Editor and Box Office spent the entire day today working on the sewers set. Both look great. I'm surprised that PE and BO didn't kill me though as I did ask them to alter the perspective on the brickwork on the tunnel roof as it wasn't working and the bricks were getting too narrow too quickly. I THINK they forgave me once it was "right" and could see how much better it was. They did a great job and I shall be happy to reside there!

I should also mention "Alice" who spent 10 hours stencilling 8 DW initials onto the stage fronts, band pit front and exterior stage wall, then revamping the background colour and borders. She also did an amazing job and didn't moan once.

Still a vast amount of work to do on both the shop and village hardbacks and no drop cloths hung.

At 7:40pm we all downed tools and had a drink in the bar whilst waiting for our curry to be delivered. 17 of us sat around a vast square table to eat together by which time there were some incredibly tired, weary faces. I bought all the drinks, so apparently I'm "not such a bad boss after all"!

Painted to the strains of War of the Worlds and We Will Rock You followed by Madness, a summer dance mix and various other CD's to keep our spirits up but all stopped painting for 5 mins to let our hair down to a very raucous of Bohemian Rhapsody

Left the hall to come home at 1am. Several "Wills to live" lost during the day and sadly never recovered. I guess we may unearth them at set strike on the 10th December. Far too much still to do before tomorrow night's technical rehearsal.

Lyric of the Blog: " Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking" Queen

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Set Build 5. Sat 25th Nov

Arrived back at the hall at 9:50am (Saturday).
Left hall at 1:50am (Sunday).

12 people worked their butts off for 16 hours on both the village and shop hardbacks, side flats, the band surround, stage fronts and props.

I painted - lots.

I'm too tired to blog properly. In eight hours time I'll be back at the hall again.
Lots still to do, especially painting details and we have to hang all the drops and rig the sound tower. Another very long day ahead.

Lyric of the Blog: "Some people like to stay out late. Some folks can't hold out that long. But nobody wants to go home now. There's too much goin' on " Eagles

(The lyrics of the majority of "Heartache Tonight" seemed insanely amusing by midnight, especially the above and "Somebody's gonna hurt someone, before the night is through")

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Set Build 4. Fri 24th Nov

Arrived at the hall at 6pm to find some of the lads already dragging sections of walk out across the hall and laying down tarpaulins for the drop cloths to be painted on.

I spent my entire evening working on the village hardback whilst various other people painted props and pieces of set, all to the strains of the entire War of the Worlds soundtrack, one of my favourite albums, followed by Queen and Air Guitar hits!

10 of us all all sat down in the kitchen to a fish and chip supper at 8pm followed by Krispy Kreme doughnuts for pudding! Washed down with gallons of tea over the course of the night.

Finally gave up and came home at 1am for a few hours sleep as we start again at 10am tomorrow morning.

Lyric of the Blog: " Take a look around you at the world we've come to know. Does it seem to be much more than a crazy circus show. But maybe from the madness something beautiful will grow. In a brave new world, With just a handful of men ... " War of the Worlds

Friday, November 24, 2006

When it rains

...it pours and sometimes you get thunder and lightening thrown in for good measure.

Text message from one of the cast ...
"Can you ring me" .... Answerphone.

Text message 2 hours later ...
" You haven't rung me" ...Oh Yes, I did.

"Oh ok. I've been asleep. I've been to the doctors this morning - and I have mumps. Thought you might need to know ...."

So; Do I

a) Tell the whole cast and have them all concerned for the next however many days if they haven't had it or the MMR jab.
b) Tell no one and wait to see what happens.
c) Tell Director and leave it with him, having ascertained that the most important person who I can't do without (MD) has already had it. Phew !!!

Errrrr. C !

I had a poster hung in my room as a teenager, of a teddy bear, looking sad, holding a tissue to it's nose with the following phrase underneath..

"When my mother told me there would be days like these, I never realised she meant so many!"

Lyric of the Blog: " Don't you know I'm still standing, better than I ever did. Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid. I'm still standing after all this time .." Elton John

Thursday Rehearsal 23rd Nov

The last full run-through of the show before the dress rehearsals next week.....

Act 1 - Still far, far too long. Looks like there will be a song cull of either whole numbers or verses/choruses in the next few hours. EMail discussions continue as I type.....

Act 2 - Ran ok but now there's the possibility of an extra 2 pages of script to cover what was supposed to be a 10 second gag and just isn't necessary at this stage especially as we're looking to cut the running time of the show and haven't factored in time for the Community Song yet.

Some of the songs look great, others very weak.

Last day at work today until 12th December. Roll on 4pm......

Ticket sales 544 sold out of 938 ....

ONE week TODAY is opening night - Scary !

Lyric of the Blog: " Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don't ask why. It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life " Green Day

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I've just had two texts from "Shovel"

"Hi. I've just had a little accident - nothing broken but my arm is in a splint. Can I still be in the show? - it'll be ok in a week or so "

"Fell and bent my wrist and thumb much too far forward on landing. Nice bruising already and it was only a couple of hours ago. Got muscle and ligament damage!"

Have just texted her back and asked if she's been to hospital. On the second Saturday of Cinderella in 2000 she put her hand through a door having locked herself out between the matinee and evening performance. After the after show party, set strike and Sunday lunch the two of us spent a fun filled three hours in A&E only to find that her wrist was broken......

I held my head in my hands at this point and decided that if this is the worst thing to go wrong over the next 19 days before the show is over, I'll be relieved!...

Lyric of the Blog: " I'm calm, I'm calm, I'm perfectly calm, I'm utterly under control" Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Sondheim.

The Long Weekend

This is where it all starts to get a bit manic in order to get everything finished in time to run the technical rehearsal on Monday evening. In fact the majority of the production team and cast will now see each other every day from tonights final run through until Monday December 11th. It's a good job we all get on well!

In theory we will set build tomorrow evening from approx. 6pm until 11pm, Saturday from 10am until 11pm and Sunday from 10am until 11pm. In practice, if any of us leave the hall on the same day that we arrive at it, it will be a miracle and it's more likely to be the small hours before we head for home.

One of these days there will be a row of sleeping bags or hammock's strung up at the hall and we just won't bother going home!

Food wise, it'll probably be fish and chips for tea on Friday night, sandwiches for Saturday lunch and either a chinese or curry on Saturday night, then the same on Sunday with gallons of strong tea and coffee to keep us going.

The walkout needs to be collected from the shed and erected, the sound tower needs to be constructed and I have 8 A4 pages of notes of stuff that needs making or painting! The stage also needs to be set and the back drops hung.

Usually it's a core team of people in over the weekend and a great atmosphere even if everyone is damm tired by the end of it, but it's easier to work as you can just move from one painting job to the next and leave stuff to dry.

Lyric of the Blog: " You got big dreams? You want Fame?, Well fame costs and right here is where you start paying - with sweat!" Fame

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Snakes and Ladders

My main focus for the last year and the work I have done for this show have been centred around one night. Friday 2nd December 2005.

It was the second Friday of Treasure Island's two week run and I was playing the principal boy, Jim Hawkins. I had a fantastic day as I had spent it with approximately 18 of the cast at Browns restaurant in Windsor celebrating my birthday, which is actually December 3rd but as it fell on a Saturday last year and we had both a matinee and evening performance to do, the only celebrating I was going to be doing that day was on a stage. I have to say - there is no better way to spend your birthday than being on stage surrounded by some of your closest friends.

The production team of which I was a part had already spoken as unfortunately we had only sold THREE tickets to that nights show. We can seat 134 at capacity. Despite numerous competitions and attempts to get last minute block bookings from corporate groups, nothing was forthcoming so we made the decision, in advance, to pull the show without telling the cast.

The three tickets were moved to another night, the cast arrived and were told to wait in the hall just in case we suddenly got 30 people through the front door as walk-in's and could put on a show. It didn't happen. We got two and they were given free tickets to another night. It's very hard work having a very small audience and takes longer to 'get them going' but however demoralising a small audience is, it was nothing compared to this.

The youngster's all played giant Snakes and Ladders on an empty stage whilst the rest of us ran bits of script and choreography. Some opted for an early night and others of us headed off for a curry and talked some more.

I cried buckets in an empty dressing room that night. I was so disappointed and I resolved that if I had anything to do with it, we wouldn't ever have to cancel another show in the same way as it was heartbreaking.

Lyric of the Blog: " Empty spaces - what are we living for. Abandoned places - I guess we know the score. On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for... Another hero, another mindless crime. Behind the curtain, in the pantomime. Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore. The show must go on, The show must go on. Inside my heart is breaking, my make-up may be flaking, but my smile still stays on " Queen

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 20th November

Our first complete run-through, or it should have been if I haven't taken up so much of Director's time getting chorus costumes tried on ten girls, the fairy costume tried on both Bowbelle's and Shovel and Spades costumes.There was also choreography to be run for those who had missed last Thursday evening.

In the end we only got through Act 1 and it took far, far too long as some people are still hesitant over their lines. The pace needs to be quickened and the whole thing tightened up.

I had an awful night stage wise. The lines were fine but I need to work with my little rat to get the timing for picking her up in one scene sorted. I don't have any choreography done for either of my Act 1 songs either, both of which were awful. The duet with Bowbelle was wrong and I just didn't have the enthusiasm and confidence to do Rat Out of Hell justice and sing with any emotion after Sunday. I'm just glad I didn't have to sing Wild Boys last night.

I need to find something to get me back on track but I don't know what. We have the long weekend ahead which drains everyone and with a huge amount of both set painting and costume stuff still to do it's going to be hard.

Lyric of the Blog: " I thought I had it this time. I thought the dream would be mine. Hoping to fly I fall. Oh how I wish I just didn't care at all. Coz when you don't care, you don't cry. It wont hurt if you don't try" Fame

Monday, November 20, 2006

Ticket Sales

A momentous occasion worthy of a (short) blog in it's own right.

Ticket Sales. We've sold 487 tickets out of 938. More than 50%. Yippee!

However, 9 people out of a cast of 28 have yet to sell a single ticket I often wonder if all amateur theatre groups have this problem. Are their members of the cast who are ashamed of being seen on stage by people they know. Do they know no one outside of the group at all - or can they just not be bothered to even try and promote the show and the group, however good the show is.

Lyric of the Blog: " Oh, we're half way there. Oh Oh, Living on a prayer. Take my hand and we'll make it I swear, oh oh, Living on a prayer" Bon Jovi

Dobbin: The Red Nosed Reinhorse

There's been descent in the ranks ever since the read-through over the community song and what to sing with the audience and get the kids on stage etc etc. Jingle Bells was suggested originally but no one was keen, nor could they come up with anything better that anyone wanted to sing.

The original front end of Dobbin, the pantomime horse which we used for Cinderella, has been cajoling Director and I for weeks to have Dobbin in the show, preferably as Flora, the Sultan's ugly daughter's pet but we weren't keen. Dobbin went out on hire last week and when he came back the subject came up again and we were asked whether Dobbin could appear in the Community Song with the kids instead.

And, as usually happens, at this stage of the proceedings, imaginations have been running wild....

Dame texted me on Thursday am and so ensued a hasty phone call to MD who agreed that as long as the band can play the music in a style which the audience suggest on the night then it's ok by him.

The plan is that "Dame" mentions that Dobbin looks absolutely nothing like a reindeer, at which point Dobbin disappears off into the wings and comes back wearing a pair of antlers on a headband and a red nose on a bit of string.

Obviously this means that the back end of Dobbin has to be someone not in the last scene of the show so that they can get into the back legs in time for the Community Song and someone who is in the walkdown towards the end so they have time to get back out of the horse legs and do the walkdown as their proper character.

Hmmm. Like someone evil who has been killed in the previous scene, maybe? Yep You got it. That'll be me then!!!!!!!

And so it came to pass, that the original duo who first brought Dobbin to life in 2000 will be back. Hee Hee!

"Lyric of the Blog: "Dobbin, the red nose reinhorse, had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows" Trad.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Set Build 3. Sun 19th Nov

Another long day with people working very hard. Dame even got up a ladder and painted the sky at the top of the hardback as I was called away and he hates heights!

The hardback is now 90% block painted for the village whilst the other side for the shop has been undercoated and base coated but has no details painted on. The Sultan's Palace drop is complete and the dungeons drop just need some details on the windows. Only the seascape drop is left to do from scratch but it has been undercoated in readiness.

Lots of work done on props today as well. The shark, octopus and yellow submarine have been cut out and undercoated and all the fish have already been painted in UV paints. The pie for the shop and the jelly boulders for the dessert island have been made.

I had some light relief from set painting at lunchtime when one of the guys who does battle re-enactments taught me how to sword fight for the duel with Dick Whittington towards the end of the show. I've never done anything like that before. Another new experience.

The band were rehearsing again until 2pm and get better every time I hear them. I came away from my own rehearsal very disheartened though as "Bass Guitar" now reckons I'm singing Wild Boys wrong. I've sung it with MD enough times and I've sung it with the band twice already, but all of a sudden Bass says I'm not singing it right. Then MD suggests getting someone else to sing the correct melody from the wings over the top, which just made me feel completely inadequate. Not only that but with Bass, Guitar and Drums playing I can't actually hear MD playing the keyboards very well even stood next to him and I'm worried I'll go off key.

Nobody likes being told that they're doing something wrong but I thought I was doing ok and I've loved all of my songs up till now so it completely floored me. Other than at the first rehearsal when Director did initial character analysis with us and just told me to "be evil", I haven't had that much direction from him at all, positive or negative. Director did say today that I'm singing the songs too well for the character but I'm scared that if I overdo it, I'll lose my voice completely like I did once before from shouting and cackling and I will be so croaky that the songs will sound awful.

Who knows. I'm too worried about getting the sets finished at the moment but we have a complete run through of the show tomorrow night and it's dented my confidence.

Lyric of the Blog: "And I hope you know, That it's touch and go. I hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outside. Where did it all go wrong?" Oasis

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Too Good to Resist ...

The weekend was planned. Friday:-Quiet night in sewing and getting the washing done. Sat:-Trip to B&Q for paint etc and Sunday:-Set Build 3 ....... then I saw an add on a Forum I post on.

It was for a 24ft by 12ft stage in 9 sections - for FREE, 4 miles away and it was going to be put in a skip this morning if no one wanted it. A hasty phone call to Chairman/Director ensued who agreed that the group could make use of it both as a stage but also possibly as band/drum risers for band night/shows, raked seats, shows in the round.... if only we had somewhere to put it.

We have a shed, on a farm, which we rent to keep all our sets in but it's full. Very full.

After two hours of phone calls, texts and emails yesterday afternoon I had a van and it's driver, a fellow Forum poster who volunteered! (I owe him a beer!), Setman had Director, Box Office and Father Christmas on standby to lift and shift it all AND we had the keys to the unused Community Centre across the road to the village hall to store it in.

Result. I arrived at the pick up point at 11:30am this morning to find Director grinning. Apparently he had been wondering what condition the staging was going to be in and was VERY happy. By 1:30pm it had all been moved and we've also ascertained in the process today that the said unused Community Centre would make a great base/storage facility/wardrobe department etc with a few days of manpower to clean it and make good the ceiling IF the church would be willing to rent it to us. Maybe a project for next year. Who knows, if we could rent that instead of the shed all our storage issues would be solved.

Lyric of the Blog: " The world is a stage, The stage is a world of entertainment! " Band Wagon

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 16th Nov

3 hours have never disappeared quite so quickly as they did last night!

The cast worked exceptionally hard in the hands of "Dame", "Alice" and Director to get the last three (and biggest) songs choreographed for the opening number, Let Me Entertain You, Who Will Buy and I'm a Believer. They all looked fab by the end of the evening and Dame especially looked very pleased with himself for choreographing a song! - forget them by Monday at your peril!!

I scaled the ladder and hung one of the drapes of fabric for the Sultan's Palace set from the stage roof to check for length with the help of Setman. I had this idea that I wanted the set to look like the inside of a Bedouin tent with wide drapes of fabric in front of a plain dropcloth, so having bought the fabric and worked out how we are going to sew loops on it and hooks to the hardback and side flats it was time to see if the theory would work in practice or if the cast would have material on their heads!

I think it will work as the set crew are going to have the completed 'tent' in a large plastic box with a carabina attached, ready to hoist the centre up into the roof space and then attach each panel of fabric to the back and sides of the set.

All the harem girls tried on their costumes for Arabian Nights which Director's Mum has made for me. Apart from a couple of gripes over bare stomachs most are happy (ish!) and Bilgewater FINALLY has a costume. Phew.

I've broken the back of the sewing now and just have 2 dames costumes left to alter, one dress for Alice and lots of bits (fairy wings to customise, my hat to embellish, remaining sultan's drapes to hem). My main concern & worry has switched from the costumes to getting the set finished. We have no drops completed yet, the double hardback still to paint and I have another shopping list for B&Q on Saturday. More ******* shopping!

Let the hall wide awake, grinning like a Cheshire cat and unable to go to sleep. Ticket sales up to 454 out of a possible 938. We only sold 560 ish for Treasure Island last year - including door sales.

TWO weeks today is opening night!!

Lyric of the Blog: " Take your passion, and make it happen. Pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life" Irene Cara

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Rest

... of the team!

Come on there's only two weeks until opening night so there's no way I was going to be talking about sleeping!!! and having introduced the band last week, It occured to me that maybe I ought to do the same for the rest of the mob.

Director - Also group Chairman. Works damm hard for the group. He may have been absent for a few rehearsals but he has put together what is promising to be a fantastic show. He's great at knowing what he doesn't want, but sometimes not good at telling you what he does want. Hence the reason why a member of the cast is still going on stage in their underpants next week as Director can't tell me what he wants said character to wear. Frustrating for a Producer.

Setman - Refuses to go on stage other than in blacks to change it. Joined the group having refused to buy tickets to watch panto because he hated it but volunteered to help build the set instead and got roped into helping out backstage. He ended up working for 8 out of 9 performances that year and has built revolving platforms, staircases which light up, a working windmill and has put running water on stage. Apparently it's all my fault. Nothing new !!

Choreographer (s) - There always has to be one aspect of a show that causes problems. We've had trouble this year both getting a choreographer and then keeping the one we did eventually get. However two of the girls within the cast for the show have come up trumps and have saved the day. They choreographed one song each last year, this year they've done the whole lot.

Box Office - Almost as proficient with an Excel spreadsheet as me!!!! Box keeps track of who's sold what in the group and encourages everyone to sell more, as well as monitoring the online ticket sales, managing his team of female telephone operators (hidden in a secret location, so he tells us) and allocating tickets to seats to ensure that front of house know what's what on the night.

Programme Editor - Not in the show this year but doing a sterling job in the background with the artwork he was presented with to produce postcards, flyers, posters and currently the programme itself. He won an award from NODA in the summer for his programme for Moby Dick the Musical which was very well deserved.

Then in the background are a whole host of bodies including the committee who have done leaflet drops and put posters up, helped build the set, make props, written letters and made phone calls and made costumes.

and then there's me!...Producer.

Lyric of the Blog: " Forget cold glances and rejections. Leave the things that separate. Build on a trust that we can stand on. Like to get to know you well, so we can be one, we can be one together. Howard Jones

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Famous Footsteps

Well famous boots anyway .....

When we did Treasure Island last year, I acquired some costumes from someone who is involved with re enactments and living history recreation and included in the swag were a pair of black, thigh length, pirate style boots which unfortunately weren't deemed suitable for either me, as Jim Hawkins or anyone else to wear at the time.

When I was first cast as King Rat and had the idea of going "Goth", the boots sprang to mind. They are a bit too big and will need to be padded out with extra socks but it doesn't matter as I'm not dancing as such for any of my songs.

and the famous bit? .....

They were worn by Kevin Kline in the 1983 film version of Pirates of Penzance and were acquired from Shepperton Studios where the film was shot as they were left behind when filming finished. After a few Google searches, I managed to find posters advertising the film and pictures of Kevin Kline actually wearing them.

So:- Thank you Mr Kline, for forgetting your boots because I love 'em!!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes, even if it was for just one day. And wouldn't it be good if we could wish ourselves away. Wouldn't it be good to be on your side, the grass is always greener over there. Wouldn't it be good if we could live without a care " Nik Kershaw

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 13th Nov

It really is the little things that mean the most sometimes ...

The majority of the group were hard at work last night learning choreography for the final songs before we start complete run-throughs next week, so I spent the entire rehearsal behind closed tabs marking out the hardback for the village street scene in pale pink paint so that it can be painted this coming Sunday.

This was always going to be a challenge as there's always been someone else to do it in the past. Drawing and painting are definitely not my strong point unless I'm shown what to do and can copy verbatim. I draw like a 5 year old but I do quite enjoy doing paint effects on things.

One of the 10 year old girls came onto the stage having tried her a jacket for a costume and came to show me that it fitted and asked what I was doing whilst looking sideways down the length of the hard back, so I got her to stand at the front of the stage and tell me what it looked like - without showing her the picture I was copying.

"Cool" she said "It's a village"..... I could have hugged her.... Lots! It really made my evening.

I opened the tabs at the end of the evening to have a look at the whole scene from the back of the hall and MD asked why the QE2 was sailing across the rooftops. (it was supposed to be a chimney but I couldn't really argue as it did look like a ship!!!)

Ticket sales up to 418 last night.

Lyric of the Blog: " The mist is lifting slowly, I can see the way ahead and I've left behind the empty streets that once inspired my life" The Moody Blues

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sold Out!

Two blogs in one day - can't be bad!

This deserves a mention in its on right though and I'm grinning like a Cheshire cat beacause...

Box Office have put a message on the website this morning to say that the matinee performance on Saturday 9th December has sold out. Apparently there is only limited availability for Friday 8th in the evening as well. I'm SO chuffed.

The only downside is that the second week shows are being booked and not the first. Logic says that word of mouth and advertising will mean that we get more and more bookings as time goes on and obviously we can't move people to the second week if the first week performances have already taken place.

I'll be gutted if we have to turn people away on the second week but play to smaller audiences with spare seats on the first week.

Lyric of the Blog: "Take your seats now, folks. It's show time. Hey, Patrick hit the lights, There's something in the air There's magic in the night. Now here's the band, they really play, I'll count the first one in I don't know where it's going We all know where it's been" Bon Jovi