Sunday, December 03, 2006

Matinee Performance Sat 2nd Dec

After a lie in, Setman, Box Office and I went to the local cafe for a full cooked breakfast before heading to the hall to put up the remaining front of house photos and mend the light sabre which had been broken during Friday night's show. Luckily a some solder, superglue and masking tape was all it took to get it fixed even if the audience did think it hilarious that King Rat had broken his favourite toy at the time.

The performance went well. The audience of approx 80 were great once they'd got going and the kids shouted their heads off. One delightful small child even yelled out "Now Die!" during one of my earlier speeches which caused some hilarity as well.

'Dick' managed to walk onto stage in completely the wrong part of one scene and walked straight off again which caused much amusement in the wings.

As per Friday night, the principal characters lined the foyer to say goodbye to the kids. Lots of comments made about the contact lenses which people either seem to laugh at of really hate. Most of the cast are just about getting used to them, I think.

We also had the winner of the Dame Costume design competition in the audience and after the show the winner had her photograph taken with the Dame and costumier for the local papers.
Lyric of the Blog: " It’s time to put on makeup. It’s time to dress up right. It’s time to raise the curtain" The Muppet Show

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