Monday, December 04, 2006

All is Calm, All is Bright!

A quiet day spent mainly at home washing and tidying up other than a quick trip to the supermarket for child and oap friendly additional raffle prizes for the forthcoming shows.

'Dick' arrived at mine just after 5pm and the two of us got into costume. 'Dick' dressed up as Dick but as the make up for King Rat is a bit complicated I dressed up as Tommy the cat in the spare adult sized cat costume that was purchased on EBay some time ago. 'Dick' was a bit cold in shorts and tights. I was a bit warm in fur !!

We then walked into the village centre for the switching on of the local Christmas lights. Two local children from one of the schools were switching them on and there was a very short carol service led by the Salvation Army band. 'Dick' and I joined in and sang the descants to all the carols before following everyone to the pub for a drink of mulled wine and a mince pie!!!

We handed out some pantomime fliers to promote the remaining performances of the show and spoke to one youngster about possibly joining the youth section, CAST Academy in the new year. All in all, a good hours "work".

Now it's back home for a quiet evening. It seems very strange being on my own in a quiet house when I've been so busy and had so many people around me for some many days and such long hours.

Lyric of the Blog: " On my own, pretending he’s beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. Without him I feel his arms around me. And when I loose my way, I close my eyes and he has found me" Les Miserables

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