Saturday, December 02, 2006

Opening Night. Fri 1st Dec

A day and a half!

It all started with 9 of the cast plus a little one meeting for lunch at the Italian restaurant in Colnbrook for my 'birthday meal'. Unfortunately all the late nights had caught up on everyone and I, in particular was exceptionally tired and by the end of the meal my 'game over' light was on red - and I had only had one drink.

The 'boys' bundled me into Room 1 at the village hall at 3pm with a cup of tea, air-bed and pillow and I slept for three hours solid! They came and woke me up at 6pm having put out the rest of the chairs and front of house together. All I had to do was get my hair and make up done in time for the performance, once I was functioning.

Opening night itself was fab. We had an audience of 95 (almost capacity) and they were fantastic. Very spontaneous without being coaxed to shout back and hiss and boo etc. They were with us from the very beginning and throughout the show.

The principals lined the foyer to bid fairwell to the audience as they left. I had a fab surprise as one of my best mates that I've known since I was three was in the audience with her husband and his parents. I hadn't seen her for about a year and I hadn't got a clue they were going to be there. Very emotional.

After getting changed, 20 of us headed for a local Indian restaurant for a curry. As I type this, Box Office and Setman are now sat next to me at the table working on box office tickets for tomorrow's performances. Box office has just polished off the vodka, Setman is wading his way down the whiskey and I'm drinking tea!!

Lyric of the Blog "Opening night...It's opening night!, It's Max Bialystock's latest show. Will it flop or will it go? The cast is taking its final bow. Here comes the audience now, The doors are open: they're on their way... Let's hear what they have to say!" The Producers

Update: 3rd December 2006. According to MD the musical director from The Producers was in the audience on opening night. How bizarre that this should be the lyric chosen for my entry. I wonder what he made of us all?....

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