Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dress Rehearsal 1. Weds 29th Nov

Most of the production team headed to the hall today from approx. 3pm to put the final pieces of the jigsaw together in readiness for the first dress rehearsal. 'Dick' and 'Alice' helped me shred the UV painted fabric into strips and then they bundles them up whilst I spoke to two ladies from Slough Grammar regarding a possible costume hire for their production of Ali Baba. Looks like some of our costumes from Dick, as well as others from Aladdin, may well get reused very quickly afterwards which is fantastic.

The tiredness from all the long days and working into the night has now kicked in big time. I feared that tonight would be a big struggle as by lunchtime I was shattered and felt like I'd hit a brick wall but the adrenalin kicked in where needed and saw me through. I think a lot of the others feel the same.

Three highlights of the evening.

1) Director's wonderful Mum turned up and handed 'Dame' a pair of bloomers she had made for him TODAY because he didn't have any and the ones we had previously used had been hired. 'Dame' was grinning from ear to ear. It was the final straw for this overtired emotional wreck.

2) Everyone's reaction to the contact lenses! No one was able to look me in the eye with them in. If an audience react in the same way on performance nights as the cast did tonight, It'll be great.

3) I literally "stopped traffic" tonight. Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess!! I was stood outside the hall in full costume during the interval and a taxi drove past slowly. The occupants obviously clicked that something wasn't quite normal and a couple of minutes later, the same taxi drove past in the opposite direction with a white van following fairly closely behind. The van driver did a double take and promptly stalled the van!!!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " So look at how, I'm taking the make-up off my face. Before I forget who I am now' Cause I'm not here to let you down, but the Costume Makes the Clown" Shakira

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