Thursday, November 09, 2006

Apron Strings

I spoke to my parents on the phone yesterday and after ascertaining that yes, I was still alive and no, I didn't have a life as we were 3 weeks away from another show, she asked what I was doing - to which I replied " shortening a dress ".

Raucous laughter followed stunned silence and eventually both parents picked themselves off the floor (it takes a while at 76 and 82!). They were both laughing like drains at the idea of ME sewing costumes. I was a bit put out to start off with, until my Mum reminded me of THE APRON!

I was in the 2nd year of secondary school and I was supposed to be making the obligatory apron in needlework class. My mother was an accomplished dressmaker and made most of my clothes when I was small so I was given a piece of absolutely hideous 70's psychedelic fabric in purple and lilac from 'the sewing drawer' to take to school to make this apron from.

I seem to remember sitting in class adding a stitch or two when forced to or the teacher was looking over my shoulder and eventually being told that I would have to finish it at home.

Apparently there were many arguments and tantrums usually culminating with bits of apron being launched across the dining room table or floor and the semi-completed end result being screwed up in a ball and buried at the back of my wardrobe out of site.

It never did get finished.

Much of the remaining conversation yesterday revolved around my mother wondering if any of the costumes I was working on would ever get finished or would fall apart on stage on the wearer's. She can't wait to see the show !!!!!

Oh yeah - and the fact that she still has THE APRON!

I've always been far happier with two knitting needles than one sewing needle. Mum taught me to knit when I was 7 and I have numerous photographs of baby blankets, christening shawls in 2ply wool and picture jumpers which I have made over the years. Now - if I was allowed to KNIT all the costumes for the show there wouldn't be any problems!!

I wonder if any of the cast are now reading this and it's dawning on them that their costumes are in my hands!!! Hee Hee.

I just wondering how long I should leave it before I admit to my parents that I am thinking I might like a sewing machine for my birthday.... Maybe I'll leave that for when they come and see the show so I can see their faces when I tell them and have my thumb poised over the third '9' on the mobile !!!!!!!!!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " Because of all my pride, The tears I gotta hide. Ah, Needles and Pins " The Searchers

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