Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm at home today trying to make some headway on the sewing of the larger projects that I can't carry to work easily and do on the train or in my lunch hours.

So: I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce my supervisor and quality control guru.

He's very particular. The fabric has to just right for the costumes and he has a unique way of testing their softness.

His idea of supervising is to sit right in front of me, watching every move of the needle and occasionally glancing up with that " you didn't really want to do it like that" look in his eyes.

Sometimes he changes position or comes closer to inspect the stitching or materials I am using, especially the sequins.

Sometimes he helps by holding the fabric down for me.... even if I don't really need him too.

And then - when it all gets too much

He just goes to sleep on the job - literally !!!

Lyric of the Blog: " I always feel like, Somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy. Whoa...oh oh I always feel like, Somebody's watching me. Tell me, is it just a dream" Rockwell

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