Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Technical Day

I arrived back at the hall at 11am (Tuesday!) to set up the dressing rooms with all the costumes. Each cast member has all their costumes labelled and hung on rails whilst any hats, gloves and accessories are put in a clear plastic box which has their names on the front. It took ages!

Eight other members of the production team came and went as the day rolled on to finishing lighting plots, set and painting. The last three of us left the hall at 1:30am. IT'S FINISHED !!!!!! The last thing that we did before we left the hall was to set the stage for each scene and take photographs.

Everyone worked their fingers to the bone today. Even the band.

Lyric of the Blog: "We have arrived at a moment in our lives, when the future passes into our hands. We can find out, are we really strong enough,to fulfill what the future demands.. Bring on tomorrow, Let it shine. Like the sun coming up on a beautiful day, it's yours and mine " Fame

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