Saturday, November 04, 2006


As I think I've mentioned once before, I HATE shopping.

Yet in this game its a necessity to have everything ready for everyone when they (or I) need it.

My Friday night was spent out on the town in Reading, on a hot date with a very large ...... shopping trolley at Costco! More about the purchases some other time. It's a blog topic in its own right....

Today Setman and I are off to Watford market to hopefully do the remainder of the costume and props shopping. I still need some footwear for people, rats tails etc

Then it's off to B&Q and I get a rash when I go anywear near a DIY store. I loathe the places.
We need mainly need paint but also some wood and "stuff" to get the hardbacks build and undercoated tomorrow.

Lyric of the Blog: " We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping. We're S-H-O-PP-I-N-G, we're shopping" Pet Shop Boys

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