Sunday, November 19, 2006

Set Build 3. Sun 19th Nov

Another long day with people working very hard. Dame even got up a ladder and painted the sky at the top of the hardback as I was called away and he hates heights!

The hardback is now 90% block painted for the village whilst the other side for the shop has been undercoated and base coated but has no details painted on. The Sultan's Palace drop is complete and the dungeons drop just need some details on the windows. Only the seascape drop is left to do from scratch but it has been undercoated in readiness.

Lots of work done on props today as well. The shark, octopus and yellow submarine have been cut out and undercoated and all the fish have already been painted in UV paints. The pie for the shop and the jelly boulders for the dessert island have been made.

I had some light relief from set painting at lunchtime when one of the guys who does battle re-enactments taught me how to sword fight for the duel with Dick Whittington towards the end of the show. I've never done anything like that before. Another new experience.

The band were rehearsing again until 2pm and get better every time I hear them. I came away from my own rehearsal very disheartened though as "Bass Guitar" now reckons I'm singing Wild Boys wrong. I've sung it with MD enough times and I've sung it with the band twice already, but all of a sudden Bass says I'm not singing it right. Then MD suggests getting someone else to sing the correct melody from the wings over the top, which just made me feel completely inadequate. Not only that but with Bass, Guitar and Drums playing I can't actually hear MD playing the keyboards very well even stood next to him and I'm worried I'll go off key.

Nobody likes being told that they're doing something wrong but I thought I was doing ok and I've loved all of my songs up till now so it completely floored me. Other than at the first rehearsal when Director did initial character analysis with us and just told me to "be evil", I haven't had that much direction from him at all, positive or negative. Director did say today that I'm singing the songs too well for the character but I'm scared that if I overdo it, I'll lose my voice completely like I did once before from shouting and cackling and I will be so croaky that the songs will sound awful.

Who knows. I'm too worried about getting the sets finished at the moment but we have a complete run through of the show tomorrow night and it's dented my confidence.

Lyric of the Blog: "And I hope you know, That it's touch and go. I hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outside. Where did it all go wrong?" Oasis

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