Monday, November 27, 2006

Set Build 6. Sun 26th Nov

Just when you think it can't get any worse.....

I drove back to the village hall for 10am this morning and as I drove down the road towards the car park there was an almighty bang and the clutch pedal ceased to exist. A phone call to the RAC and 15 minutes later I had two RAC vans and men who ascertained that it was the bolt holding the clutch cable to the pedal that had sheered off. 2 hours later it was fixed.

Large volumes of painting done again today but unfortunately only two sets out of six completely finished, the sewers and the sea scape. Amusingly they were the last two to be started as well, both on Friday evening.

Make up artist did the seascape and two side flats almost entirely on her own on Friday night and this afternoon whilst Programme Editor and Box Office spent the entire day today working on the sewers set. Both look great. I'm surprised that PE and BO didn't kill me though as I did ask them to alter the perspective on the brickwork on the tunnel roof as it wasn't working and the bricks were getting too narrow too quickly. I THINK they forgave me once it was "right" and could see how much better it was. They did a great job and I shall be happy to reside there!

I should also mention "Alice" who spent 10 hours stencilling 8 DW initials onto the stage fronts, band pit front and exterior stage wall, then revamping the background colour and borders. She also did an amazing job and didn't moan once.

Still a vast amount of work to do on both the shop and village hardbacks and no drop cloths hung.

At 7:40pm we all downed tools and had a drink in the bar whilst waiting for our curry to be delivered. 17 of us sat around a vast square table to eat together by which time there were some incredibly tired, weary faces. I bought all the drinks, so apparently I'm "not such a bad boss after all"!

Painted to the strains of War of the Worlds and We Will Rock You followed by Madness, a summer dance mix and various other CD's to keep our spirits up but all stopped painting for 5 mins to let our hair down to a very raucous of Bohemian Rhapsody

Left the hall to come home at 1am. Several "Wills to live" lost during the day and sadly never recovered. I guess we may unearth them at set strike on the 10th December. Far too much still to do before tomorrow night's technical rehearsal.

Lyric of the Blog: " Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking" Queen

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