Monday, October 30, 2006

Whittington's Cat & Winchester Geese

"Programme Producer" acquired a Time Out guide of 25 walks around London some time ago. We needed little encouragement to try out the route on another cast day out so eleven of us took to the streets of London yesterday IN COSTUME!!!

We went to Archway to the Whittington Stone pub where we ate lunch, the Whittington hospital and the Whittington & Cat pub before heading into the city to go to the site of Richard Whittington's house and burial near Cannon Street, Whittington Gardens, the Guildhall and finally St Paul's cathedral.

The day is best summed up as follows:

Lowlight - The train arrived 10 minutes late at Langley and was so full - none of us could get on it. There was an hour until the next train.

Highlight - Reading a text on the train coming home and realising we'd been spotted walking to the railway station in the morning by someone we all knew!

Lowlight - Arriving at Slough to find that the next train we could get on was the one we would have got on if we'd stayed at Langley instead of jumping in the cars and trying to be clever.

Highlight - The kids (and some adults) faces both on the mainline train and London Underground spotting Dick, Dame, Jack and Cat.

Lowlight - The Northern Line being shut between Camden Town and East Finchley. Public transport definitely wasn't on our side.

Highlight - Lunch at the Whittington Stone pub. Yummy. We all ate and drank for £10 each today. £110 in the whip. £65 for lunch including drinks. £38 for coffee and muffins in a Starbuck's on Cheapside and £6.94 (1p short) for 12 Krispy Kreme donuts to have with tea back at mine when we got home.

Lowlight - The huge trail of blood outside the pub. Apparently from a stabbing the previous night.

Highlight - An 8/9 year old kid spotting Sarah the Cook (Dame) leaving the pub after lunch and shouting to all his mates "Ere, It's a Trannie!" Bless.

Highlight - Walking from the site of Richard Whittington's burial towards Whittington Gardens, straight into a group of 20 tourists on a walking tour with a guide who was delivering his 'Dick Whittington history' and who promptly announced in a very loud voice " and here comes Dick Whittington now, with his cat"... The group probably thought it had been staged. The guide looked gobsmacked. Our timing just could not have been more perfect. The guide will be dining out on that tale for years to come.

Lowlight - Programme Producer leaving the box of Krispy Kreme's on the luggage rack on the train. He will never be forgiven.

Pics to follow ....Further pics can be seen on our website

Lyric of the Blog: "Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. I'll show you something, to make you change your mind" Ralf McTell

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