Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 30th Oct

MD decided to do his 'bad cop' bit last night to give everyone a kick up the **** At the moment there are a lot of individuals on stage and we need to motivate them into working more as a team.

We then rehearsed the walkdown number and put everyone into order before MD worked on all the ensemble numbers. "Bowbelle" spent the remainder of the evening working on some more choreography for 'Sugar & Spice'.

Not one of my better nights. I need to find an extra 10 ghoul sailor costumes for "Who'll Mop the Main Deck" as I hadn't accounted for the kids or Shovel & Spade being in it. Looks like tonight will be spent at the hall loft assigning what costumes we do have to people and checking if what's on the wardrobe database actually exists so that I can then raid the supermarkets and buy up skeleton costumes and scream masks which may be reduced in price by late this evening.

Sat down with the Dame and worked out exactly how many costume changes he has and allocated him some outfits, however two at least will need major alterations so that they will fit properly. I'm out of my depth here. I'm no dressmaker and having people coming up to me who don't sew either, telling me to 'just take it in and add a bow' doesn't help.

Lyric of the Blog: " Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town?We danced and sang and the music played inna de boomtown. This town, is coming like a ghost town. Why must the youth fight against themselves? " The Specials

Monday, October 30, 2006

Whittington's Cat & Winchester Geese

"Programme Producer" acquired a Time Out guide of 25 walks around London some time ago. We needed little encouragement to try out the route on another cast day out so eleven of us took to the streets of London yesterday IN COSTUME!!!

We went to Archway to the Whittington Stone pub where we ate lunch, the Whittington hospital and the Whittington & Cat pub before heading into the city to go to the site of Richard Whittington's house and burial near Cannon Street, Whittington Gardens, the Guildhall and finally St Paul's cathedral.

The day is best summed up as follows:

Lowlight - The train arrived 10 minutes late at Langley and was so full - none of us could get on it. There was an hour until the next train.

Highlight - Reading a text on the train coming home and realising we'd been spotted walking to the railway station in the morning by someone we all knew!

Lowlight - Arriving at Slough to find that the next train we could get on was the one we would have got on if we'd stayed at Langley instead of jumping in the cars and trying to be clever.

Highlight - The kids (and some adults) faces both on the mainline train and London Underground spotting Dick, Dame, Jack and Cat.

Lowlight - The Northern Line being shut between Camden Town and East Finchley. Public transport definitely wasn't on our side.

Highlight - Lunch at the Whittington Stone pub. Yummy. We all ate and drank for £10 each today. £110 in the whip. £65 for lunch including drinks. £38 for coffee and muffins in a Starbuck's on Cheapside and £6.94 (1p short) for 12 Krispy Kreme donuts to have with tea back at mine when we got home.

Lowlight - The huge trail of blood outside the pub. Apparently from a stabbing the previous night.

Highlight - An 8/9 year old kid spotting Sarah the Cook (Dame) leaving the pub after lunch and shouting to all his mates "Ere, It's a Trannie!" Bless.

Highlight - Walking from the site of Richard Whittington's burial towards Whittington Gardens, straight into a group of 20 tourists on a walking tour with a guide who was delivering his 'Dick Whittington history' and who promptly announced in a very loud voice " and here comes Dick Whittington now, with his cat"... The group probably thought it had been staged. The guide looked gobsmacked. Our timing just could not have been more perfect. The guide will be dining out on that tale for years to come.

Lowlight - Programme Producer leaving the box of Krispy Kreme's on the luggage rack on the train. He will never be forgiven.

Pics to follow ....Further pics can be seen on our website www.cast-online.org.uk

Lyric of the Blog: "Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. I'll show you something, to make you change your mind" Ralf McTell

Friday, October 27, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 26th Oct

Did our first complete run-through of Act 1 with all the songs in place last night. A few wobbles and comments about script and songs that didn't go right but on the whole it looks very good. Just the choreography to sort out now ....

Several of the cast have dropped their scripts and know a large proportion of their words which is very good to see. Well done guys.

We had our first casualty last night. "Tommy", the cat who is part sharing and also plays a rat, fell and hurt her shoulder whilst rehearsing. Hopefully she'll be ok by Monday.

Lyric of the Blog: " For all together, a team can weather any storm they may go through. Yes, teamwork, can make a dream work, can make the greatest dreams come true " Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Thursday, October 26, 2006

No sleep ...

Spent last night shortening the legs on "Shovel's" dungarees and finishing the velcro "rip" on the backside for when she bends over, just need to get them tried on and elasticate the legs then they can be dyed as they are white at the moment.

Am just a little tired this morning as I didn't get to bed until after midnight and was up again at 5:20 this morning. Wasn't too bothered about it until I realised that I was about to spray perfume under my arms. God knows where the deodorant would have ended up!!!

Lyric of the Blog: " But I'm the one who keeps the pressure on. All I've got is all I need, but I get no sleep and I'm tired to the bone...... I know I'm not alone " Richard Marx

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bloody Chickens!

We have a Rat with Chicken Pox !

I had an email last night from one of the Academy leaders to let me know why he wasn't there on Monday night. I wonder how many more will come down with it over the next couple of weeks. Time will tell.

Lyric of the Blog: " And I like the way you still say please. While you're looking up at me. You're like my favourite damn disease" Nickleback

PS. You try finding a lyric relating to chicken, pox or spots that isn't "Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken !!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 23rd Oct

I get the best presents. Cast members turned up tonight with a parcel, 6 loo roll interiors and a bin bag full of polystyrene chips! Well - I did ask for them....

"Dick's" costumes now complete except for her boots which are 'in the post' and tried "Tommy's" cat costume on her for the first time which looks very cute.

Practised "Wild Boys" with the kids for the first time. Needs some more work on my behalf but is sounding good for a first attempt.

Reran the blocking for the remainder of Act 2 and then the majority of Act 1 last night and was quite pleased to be able to put down my script for a few scenes at least. More work required on that asap.

Still feeling as if I've had the stuffing knocked out of me at the moment after yesterday.

Lyric of the Blog: " When you're driving with the brakes on, swimming with your boots on" Del Amitri

Monday, October 23, 2006

Wild Boy

I finally managed to spend some time over the weekend on my script to try and learn some of my lines. I LOVE being the panto baddie. However there is something a little strange about judging your performance and how 'good?!' you are by how many small children you scare and reduce to tears!!!

I had my make up done for the first time last Thursday night. Prosthetic scars down the face, white make up, dark eyes and bloody lips - very special. Can't wait to see the full effect with the costume, wig, hat and evil contact lenses.

Good news: Two more good size block bookings have been reserved over the weekend. Just waiting for the deposits to secure them. Fantastic!

Bad news: I've just had a very difficult and upsetting phone call. Someone who may be connected to the show has actively tried to cause very serious trouble which COULD have been damaging to the show. It's knocked me for six and I'm devastated. How could anyone be so malicious.

Lyric of the Blog: "Wild boys fallen far from glory, reckless and so hungered. On the razors edge you trail because there's murder by the roadside in a sore afraid new world" Duran Duran

Friday, October 20, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 19th Oct

Not a very productive evening and a bit disjointed. We didn't have MD due to a meeting and Director's assistant didn't show up or tell us she wouldn't be there. Three members of the cast were also AWOL.

The girls who are doing some of the choreography worked on Walking on Sunshine and Arabian Nights with those involved who were there. They've obviously put a lot of thought and work into devising the routines at home.

Arabian Nights looks fantastic already and will be very, very funny on the night with the extra harem 'girls' in costume !!!!

Dame, Dick and I (Rat) were all made up my one of the make up artists so that head and shoulder photographs could be taken for the poster and programme front. It's the longest I've sat still at a rehearsal since we started. Bliss!!

An early night home for all.

Lyric of the Blog: " Communication let me down,And I'm left here, I'm left here again! " Spandau Ballet

Thursday, October 19, 2006


My next 'assignment' following last night's meeting is to start putting together some draft information for the programme.

This is another task which I've never had to do before and is a bit worrying as I'd hate to leave anyone out and them be upset.

We will need details of the cast including biographies for the new members and updates for the existing ones along with details for the crew and production team so that our programme guru can get to work.

He's ace and finally won a NODA programme award this year for all his efforts and imaginative designs... Long may it continue.

We also plan to photograph a few of the main characters at tonight's rehearsal ready for the artwork that has been done for our poster, fliers and programme cover.

Lyric of the Blog: " I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined. I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned" Natasha Bedingfield

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Production Meeting

This is probably the latest ever I've sat down to blog.

Have just finished a very long but productive production meeting covering Rehearsals, Set Builds, Box Office, Advertising, Programme, FOH, Costumes, Changing facilities, Kids, Budgets etc.

Just got to get everything 'done' now that we've covered....

Still - tomorrow is another day ! (If I get this blog published before midnight!!!!!)

Lyric of the Blog: " Who'll sling the hammock, the hammock, the hammock? Who'll sling the hammock so we can go to sleep? " Panto song. (To the tune of The Keel Row)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 16th Oct

Another completely mad evening. MD ran all the ensemble songs which are sounding fantastic so the new children could catch up.

"Bowbelle" started teaching the dance routine to Walking on Sunshine.

I tried costumes on people. AGAIN!

Question... Why do people have a strop when they are given a costume to try on or wear. If I had a £1 for every person who pulled a face last night because they didn't "like it" - I'd be rich. Why does it seem to come as such a surprise that if you are a girl in a chorus you are going to be wearing a skirt and a bodice and not black jeans and a tshirt!!!

Answer... Haven't got one.

Idea... Maybe I should insist on wearing a PVC mini skirt and stockings & suspenders as King Rat. I don't really want to wear a scary coat, black boots and a grim wig. I must tell the Wardrobe mistress asap. Only one problem with that. It's me .... Bugger.

I spent 2hrs and 50 mins trying costumes on people, allocating chorus costumes and writing a list of chorus costumes that need making a mate who's helping me out. She may not be a mate for much longer when she sees how much there is. Oh dear.

Oh Yeah - the other 10 mins of the evening I spent on stage rehearsing my part !

Lyric of the Blog: " And nothing really rocks. And nothing really rolls. And nothings ever worth the cost" Meatloaf

Monday, October 16, 2006

Drawing a blank

Don't quite know what to write today. There's nothing to say but I won't say "nothing"....

I'm waiting for about 6 parcels to arrive from EBay or suppliers. My evil coat, the flunkies bib & braces, rat masks for the kids, fairy wings from the USA for Bowbelle, a cash register for the shop counter.

We have a full production meeting booked for this Wednesday evening to cover advertising, the programme, set building, costumes, box office etc.

Another block booking arrived in the post today and there's two more in hand, waiting for details to arrive so the audience numbers are creepy up slowly which is great news.

Off to rehearsals in a bit, mainly a music catch up session and rerunning the blocking of Act 2. I also have an enormous bag of costumes in the car and on the rail for people to try on and notes for 'stuff' to do. It's going to be a busy one ....

Lyric of the Blog: " The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all" Ronan Keating

Friday, October 13, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 12th Oct

Spent the first part of the evening doing some vocal exercises and improvisation work for characterisations.

Act 2 was then blocked entirely. It's a lot shorter than Act 1 but means that we can now concentrate on the finer details of the characterisations and movement and do choreography.

A very noisy evening as most of the children were there.

Lyric of the Blog: " Everyone's laughing. Oh kingdom of madness you've got me undone. oh kingdom of madness you've really begun" Magnum

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Box Office

Two more enquiries about block bookings yesterday - things are looking good. Just waiting for the forms and cheques to arrive in the post now to find out how many and which performances they are for.

It's a shame that with all the hard work that goes into a show by all the cast that it's so difficult to get a good size audience to perform to each night. Is amateur theatre in decline? Is it the area we live in? What more can we possibly to to promote the show ......

Lyric of the Blog: " So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming. Suddenly I feel all right. And it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight" Abba

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Panto free day!

On Monday night, I designated yesterday a panto free day. I need a break. I made a deal with myself that absolutely nothing to do with panto was to be touched. So what happens;

- Director emails me, so I reply.
- Cast members email me - so I reply.
- I win two costume items on EBay which need paying for.
- I go to a haberdashery store in my lunch hour to buy lace, ribbon, thread etc to take up and adapt 'Alice's dresses.
- I email MD
- I 'just start' cataloguing the waistcoat photographs for the wardrobe database.
- I spend my night off in a nightclub with half of the cast.

Lyric of the Blog: " Busy doing nothing, working the whole day through. Trying to find lots of things not to do. Busy going nowhere, Isn't it such a crime. I'd like to be unhappy but I never do have the time!"

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 9th Oct

Director away for work. MD worked through songs, then we ran most of Act 1 with sound effects and interlude music before we start blocking Act 2 on Thurs.

MD's hound stole the show by crying when the kids were picking on Tommy the cat in the street scene. He then went and curled up with 'Dick' whilst he was guarding the safe in the shop. Found the cat's ears from the costume store and put them on him.

I managed to get dresses tried on 'Alice' which now need adapting, finale tunic on 'Dick' and also chorus costumes tried on all the boys.

A good night had by all. Went home wide awake and unable to sleep with ideas.

Lyric of the Blog: " I'm walking on sunshine oh oh, and don't it feel good" Katrina & the Waves

Monday, October 09, 2006

Shop till you drop

I HATE shopping. Lots. I specifically loathe clothes shopping. Lots and lots.

And now I find on reflection that I've just spent my entire weekend, feeling like shit as I have a virus and a temperature, dragging my heals around.

Sat was the local shops and Sun was two car boot sales and a large market, looking for clothes to adapt for costumes.

Will they fit? Will the people who are wearing them like them?

I hope so but probably not...

Lyric of the Blog: " Anything you can buy, I can buy cheaper. I can buy anything cheaper than you" Annie Get Your Gun

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 5th Oct

Sadly we've had another drop out so the part of Scupper has had to be cast again.

MD spent much of the evening going over the ensemble songs with everyone before we block Act 2 and do some choreography next week.

'Dick' managed to split her trousers before rehearsals even began by cartwheeling across the hall floor.

Director - Shattered from travelling for work and working lots. Needs sleep.
Producer - Grumpy as shit and wasn't feeling very well. Understatement.

Lyric of the Blog: " Those were the days my friend. We thought they'd never end" Mary Hopkins

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dame Costume Competition

We're running a competition through the local newspaper to design a costume for the dame to wear during this years show. The idea was given to me by a group member and will give us some early publicity for the show. We can also use the artwork for the foyer during the shows run.

There are three age ranges and the winner of each age range will receive four free tickets to see the show. The overall winner, chosen from these three will have their design made up by one of our costumiers and have their photo taken with the dame.

I'm hoping that we might start getting some entries soon to start looking at.

Lyric of the Blog: " She'll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain. She'll make you live her crazy life but she'll take away your pain " Ricky Martin

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Postmen only knock twice

Unless they are the postmen in my office who now know me by name due to the amount of suspicious looking packages which have been arriving at work recently.

Today - one metre of white fur fabric to adapt the black cat costume and 20 14mm miniature working bells for the fairy's tiara and wings.

Just waiting for the cat costume to arrive now - the postman may return yet!

Lyric of the Blog: " Maybe, you can never be sure. There'll be knock, ring. Letters through your door" Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat" TV Theme

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 2nd Oct

October already.

Director was away with work last night so MD ran all the songs learnt so far with both ensemble and soloists including "Dick" who sang her solo last night - All I can say is WOW!!!!

I managed to get costumes tried on several of the cast for the show. Meanwhile, two of the boys photographed the entire collection of Aladdin costumes for me for a possible hire.

Lyric of the Blog: " Gold, Always believe in your soul, You've got the power to know, You're indestructable" Spandau Ballet

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Loft

5 lovely girls who all need their heads testing gave up all or part of their Saturday to help me sort out the group's costumes and prepare costumes for Dick Whittington.

The boys also came down on route to the shed get everything out. They then came back helped out afterwards photographing over 200 hats and 50 pairs of shoes. We started at 10am and finally finished at 8pm!!!

Found:- Buried treasure! (Dobbin, the panto horse's legs) so he is complete again and can be hired out as well as Cinderella's rags dress.

Lost:- The will to live! On several occasions during the day.

The wardrobe database is slowly taking shape. It will allow everything to be found easily and hired out when we are not using it to make the group some additional funds.

Lyric of the Blog: " When all you do is change your clothes and call that versatile. You got so many colours make a blind man so confused." Scissor Sisters