Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 21st Sept

Lots of blocking done tonight by Director as no MD available.

I spent most of my evening in the loft sorting material and costumes out and preparing a couple of hires. Several ideas for panto costumes in hand from stuff which I've found... Very promising.

I'm going to have my first attempt at dyeing as I have the perfect fabric to make a Father Christmas outfit but it's in the wrong colour. Have found a willing volunteer to make the suit once I have a pattern and all the stuff ready.

Feeling a bit useless though. Wish I could sew so I could actually make the items myself rather than rely on other people. Must learn/try. Am happy enough mending the odd costume from hires but have never mastered making anything from a pattern.

Lyric of the Blog: " I got eight little fingers and only two thumbs. Will you leave me in peace while I get the work done. Can't you see I'm working on it" Chris Rea

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