Friday, September 29, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 28th Sept

A night that was slow to start but by the end of the night there just wasn't enough time to fit everything in. Where does 3 hours go?

Some of the principals practiced their songs with MD and we met Director's assistant who will help direct and do some choreography and voice training with us as well.

Thought: Nine weeks today is opening night. Oh shit!

Lyric of the Blog: " And you discover that timing is everything, you've got to get it right, Timing is everything in life" Chris De Burgh

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Father Christmas

The idea of dyeing the velour curtains which I found in the loft to make a Santa suit never got off the ground. The red dye would have been far too expensive and there was no guarantee that the dye would take.

I would have also needed to buy a pattern, white fur fabric and a wig/beard.

So: Back to square one and 3 days of internet searches to find something in the right size and price range. This resulted in prices for suits ranging from £6.99 (wear once) to £400.00 (shopping mall quality). Finally I found a company in Guernsey who make XL Santa suits at a reasonable price which include Jacket, Trousers, Belt, Boot Tops, Hat, Wig, Beard and Glasses. It's on it's way.

Now he has something to wear, Father Christmas has been booked and will be handing out sweets to the audience as they leave the show each night.

Lyric of the Blog: "Been an awfully good girl, Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight" Eartha Kitt

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hard back or drop?

Spent last night with Stage Manager and Director designing how the set will look and work and the logistics for back stage.

- Which scenes need to be painted on which medium (the hard back or drop)
- Which rail they need to hang on the stage to fit them all in.
- Which scene's we can duplicate sets for etc etc

We've settled on a double hard back to allow for the two largest scenes (village and shop) with hinged flats that will open out across the stage plus three drops for the sea scenes, dungeon and sultan's palace and a small side set for the sewers for King Rat.

Also discussed costume ideas with Director, ready for the grand sort out this coming Saturday.

Lyric of the Blog: " Just look at the world around you, right here on the ocean floor. Such wonderful things surround you, what more are you looking for?" Disney

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 25th Sept

We have 2 drop outs from the original cast. It's a shame but it does happen. The parts will be reallocated as blocking rehearsals continue.

Good rehearsal. Looked at 'Under the Sea' with MD and did further blocking of Act 1.

Lyric of the Blog: "I'm going through changes, Oh So many changes, I'm loosing my senses, don't know what to do, I'm going through changes" Magnum

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Ostrich Window

You know how an idea starts, evolves and before you know it, escalates from a 10 minute job to a 3 week one....

It started with seeing the faded reviews of the previous show, still in the window, waiting to be removed. My original intention was to get a big poster advertising the show in that window asap. It might still be summer but it doesn't hurt to plant a few seeds....Before I knew it, the idea had changed to a poster of London, a spotty hanky on a stick, a black and white cat, a rat to symbolize each aspect of the Dick Whittington story.

Some 48 hours later, the idea had changed to an adult black and white cat costume which had been purchased on EBay for very little money, stuffed, sitting in the window, with a spotty hanky on it's shoulder - but the window on closer inspection was just too narrow and we can use the costume for show publicity.

So 3 weeks later the poster has become a jigsaw of the Tower of London, stored in my loft and bound for a charity shop, which has been completed and mounted onto a backboard. The rest of the window display has evolved into 4 black and white cats, also purchased on EBay, telling the story of Dick Whittington with various props. I always was a Blue Peter girl!

Went to The Ostrich on Saturday afternoon to put it all in place. After climbing over builders rubble to get to it, and squeezing myself into the window to stick everything up – it’s done.

Lyric of the Blog: "Looking out a dirty old window" Kim Wilde

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 21st Sept

Lots of blocking done tonight by Director as no MD available.

I spent most of my evening in the loft sorting material and costumes out and preparing a couple of hires. Several ideas for panto costumes in hand from stuff which I've found... Very promising.

I'm going to have my first attempt at dyeing as I have the perfect fabric to make a Father Christmas outfit but it's in the wrong colour. Have found a willing volunteer to make the suit once I have a pattern and all the stuff ready.

Feeling a bit useless though. Wish I could sew so I could actually make the items myself rather than rely on other people. Must learn/try. Am happy enough mending the odd costume from hires but have never mastered making anything from a pattern.

Lyric of the Blog: " I got eight little fingers and only two thumbs. Will you leave me in peace while I get the work done. Can't you see I'm working on it" Chris Rea

Thursday, September 21, 2006


I had my first one yesterday

Partly that I won't be on stage for the songs we've been practicing so far as they wont be 'in character' so I'll have to sing from the wings.

But also the sheer enormity of producing and just how much that needs to be done for advertising, costumes, the set, etc

What if it all goes wrong. What if, even after all the work that everyone is putting into the show we still don't get the audience through the doors.

What if it's not enough. I wonder if all producers feel like this ....

Lyric of the Blog: "I'll get by with a little help from my friends" The Beetles

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Set Designs

Have always been a Blue Peter girl at heart so the colouring pencils are out and I'm scribbling down ideas for the set. It's a damm good job that panto sets are aimed at kids who aren't too critical.

Why is it that it's possible to 'see' in your mind what you want to draw on paper but it doesn't come out of the end of the pencil onto the paper looking the same? Also, why is it that buying a brand new sketch pad doesn't make you any better an artist but does make you FEEL better about your feeble efforts.

There's a saying that 'Every picture is worth a thousand words'. My pictures are worth just 5 words. They say " You can't draw for toffee! "

A mate at work has been lured into helping come up with ideas for scenes as he collects postcards from art galleries. Yesterday lunch was spent working on the London street scene, photocopying an image and simplifying it (lots) so that it can be replicated on the hardback and painted.

Lyric of the Blog: " Every picture tells a story don't it!" Rod Stewart

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday Rehearsal 18th Sept

Another ensemble number under our belt and a couple of scenes blocked as well - Result.

I've got a sore throat already this morning from shouting during blocking. I hope it's temporary.

Lyric of the Blog: " Do you remember when things were really hummin', Let's twist again twisting time is year" Chubby Checker

Monday, September 18, 2006

What did we do without ...

EMails? Talked to each other probably ....

I can't believe how many I've sent out recently. If it had been physical paper I'd have destroyed a small sapling by now and as for the number of forms that seem to need completing .....

Lyric of the Blog: " If I could only find the words then I would write them all down, If I could only find a voice I would speak" Meatloaf

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thursday Rehearsal 14th Sept

Mastered the opening number last night. New alternative lyrics, harmonies added, ending sorted and sounds fab. MD worked on what keys each of the principals songs should be in for when they start rehearsing them.

Director talked to everyone about their characters and what he's looking for when we start blocking.

I had the cat costume (bought on EBay for publicity stunts for the panto) and Buttercup the cow costume photographed for the website/hire sheets. MD's dog very perturbed by a rather large cat prancing about and lying on the floor, trying to lick it's bits!!!

That hound should be in the show! "Dick Whittington and his Dog" maybe or how about King Rat's sidekick? Hey - he could lick everyone to death.

Hmmmm. Paws for thought ....

Lyric of the Blog: "Here is the place where the feeling grows. You gotta get high before you taste the lows. So come on, Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you." Robbie Williams

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Costume Ideas

This is going to be a real challenge .....

I've never had much to do with the costumes in the past other than hiring them out so I've been scouring the internet today looking at costume designs for ideas.

I've had some offers of help to make stuff, which is a damm good job as my sewing is best described as 'basic', but I'm "co-ordinating" for want of a better word.

Now we know who's cast in what part I can raid the costume store and work out how much we have that we can re use to keep costs to a minimum.

Lyric of the Blog: "So I started out for God knows where, But I guess I'll know when I get there. I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. Coming down is the hardest thing" Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Arrived at the hall to find Director and MD still deep in discussion over casting. Beat a hasty retreat and left 'em to it!

The full cast was eventually announced to everyone in the hall. I hope everyone is pleased with the parts they have. Personally - I'm well chuffed!!!!
The kids all seem keen and most will start work with us after their 11+ exams.

Started work on - "Who Will Buy?" which is the first big ensemble number. It sounds amazing already. The voices of the girls playing Dick and Alice compliment each other really well and the group sounded great with the two part harmony.

Lyric of the Blog: " Who will buy this wonderful feeling, I'm so high I swear I could fly" Oliver.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Decision Day

Today's the day

Either during the course of the day, or when we arrive at the hall tonight, we'll find out who's got what parts. Then the fun really begins as we can start rehearsals for the show.

It's going be a very long day....

Lyric of the Blog: "Waiting for Tonight" Jennifer Lopez

Friday, September 08, 2006

Audition Observation

This is the one night where, in my opinion, the atmosphere at CVH sometimes changes just a little..

We're a close group, brought closer by the gala back in February and we all get on exceptionally well most of the time but where auditions are concerned a few people tend to close ranks. Everyone obviously wants to do their best to get the part(s) they've set their heart on.

Human nature, maybe, or just "show business"? I wonder ?

Don't get me wrong. Everyone is supportive and anyone, newcomers or regulars who get up to read or sing will get clapped and cheered and congratulated for doing their best. Once the show has been cast, everyone just gets on with whatever part they've been given and throws themselves into it 100%. There rarely seems to be hard feelings or fallout.

So after 3 hours of dance, script and singing auditions we all await our 'fate!'

One things for sure - I certainly wouldn't want to be Director or MD this weekend, having to cast the show.

So now the waiting game begins...

Lyric of the Blog: "The waiting is the hardest part"
Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Tonight we audition for the show.

When I say we – I actually mean they (Director and MD) as they are casting the show. Although I’m producing, I really want to be on stage as well so by being excluded from the casting process, I can audition and hopefully take part.

That said – I HATE auditioning. I don’t mind the reading and the characterisations but I still shake like a leaf if I have to sing and generally spend more time in the loo, peeing for England, than in the hall. Bizarre given that it’s in front of people who are some of my best friends and even more bizarre that in a performance situation I am rarely nervous, unless I have people coming to see a show for the first time.

I can’t wait to see what all the new guys can do – Director and I have both had further phone calls during the week and are expecting a few more new faces tonight, which is fantastic news. There's so many good character parts in the show both principal and small roles that there really is something for everyone.

Lyric of the Blog: "Everybody is a star, Everyone is special in their own way, So you set your goals high and go far" Madonna

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Block Bookings are like buses

Two arrive within 48 hours - then you don’t get any more for ages.

BoxOffice is very happy. The target was to sell 10 tickets before the show was cast and we’ve sold 100!!!!

(the cheshire cat grin spreads across the face again at this point!).

But now it’s all gone quiet - and there’s NOTHING worse than a quiet Box Office phone.

Lyric of the Blog: "And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the sound of silence" Simon and Garfunkel

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Read Through

Had a really, really good night last night. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. There were some very funny characterisations and voices during the evening and lots of laughter around the hall which is great to hear. It's good to have everyone back together again.

Four new faces so far, who all seem keen and want to get involved which is great news. Will be spending any spare time today amalgamating all the audition sheets and getting the audition scripts ready for Thursday night.

I have a lot of good feelings about this show. A few nervous, uncertain ones too, but a lot of good ones.

Lyric of the Blog: "I gotta read between the lines. Cos I'm living out the script of my life and we all got a part we must play" Blue

Monday, September 04, 2006

Tonight, Tonight

The day has finally arrived. It's Read Through night tonight. The displays are up in the bar for recruitment night

I can't wait to get started....

Lyric of the Blog: "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it .." Pointer Sisters

Saturday, September 02, 2006

We're Ready - I think!

I was right, It was a very long night. It took until 1:30am this morning but we do now have a script ready for the read-through this coming Monday as well as all the paperwork for the auditions.

Having inserted all the songs and music cues into place, three of us "speed read" the script to check that it flowed correctly and there were no obvious mistakes or changes required. Much laughter ensued around the table as we got to grips with daft accents for each character and tried to switch from one character to another when 4/5 people were interacting and there was only us three.

Just two songs left to finalise - They're two of the principals onces and need to be right - so may have to wait until Director and MD have cast the show and we know who will be singing them.

All we need now is a cast......

Lyric of the Blog: "Are you ready, Are you ready for this, Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?" - Queen

Friday, September 01, 2006

Script Changes

It’s the last big push tonight to get the script ready for the read through on Monday. The songs need to be added in and any final changes made. Pizza, garlic bread and chocolate on the menu.

Comfort food. It's been a hard week.

Lori Singer sung a song on the Kids From Fame TV series years ago entitled “It’s Gonna Be a Long Night”. It seems appropriate on a number of levels.

Lyric of the Blog: "The moon's up and the sun's down and a thousand starry eyes have caught me crying. You don't die from a broken heart, you just lie down and give up trying.

It's gonna be a long night alright, It's such a long hard fight. Keeping the teardrops out of sight, Waiting for morning light. It's gonna be a long night".