Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Had a reasonably productive music/song discussion with MD and Director on Tuesday evening. Just a few tweaks left to finalise or more likely to compromise on.

MD must be subjected to a slow, painful and tortorous death. MD was sent script after the 12 hours of blood, sweat, tears and RSI over the weekend only to languish in his favourite chair and state " Thanks for the script and the draft song list. I was really impressed that you'd even put the page numbers on the song list for easy ref. BUT THERE'S NO PAGE NUMBERS ON THE SCRIPT" - You can go off people rapidly.

Page numbers now added.

Lyric of the Blog: "Don't feel sad, cos two out of three ain't bad!" Meatloaf

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We're on Air !

I heard the recruitment advert on the radio this morning. It sounds wicked and very professional, considering it was put together by four of us in 30 minutes over a coffee.

But do I really sound like 'that' when I talk ..... Is that really me?

It makes me smile every time I hear it broadcast. It's primarily a 'want to come to CAST' conversation but includes two infamous puppet voices from panto last year.

All participants now available for voice over work and waiting for the agencies to call. I guess we might have a long wait!

Lyric of the Blog: "All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga" Queen

Monday, August 28, 2006

Script Scanning

All I wanted to do was scan the script, convert it from .jpg to a word doc and email it out.....

Sounds easy, looked easy, but a word of warning. It's not! The pages had text in 3 different sizes, the tabulation was all over the place and there was some very unusual connotations of words and names that hadn't scanned correctly or even consistently to the wrong thing, let alone the right thing !!!

Add to that the fact that I had 55 individual pages to cut and paste into one master document and had to make sure I hadn't duplicated any pages or left any out. (It only happened about 4 times, I think!)

It would have been quicker to have retyped the whole script. 12 hours of work, numerous cups of tea and a severe, albeit temporary, case of RSI from the mouse later, it's done. I have to say though - It's a very funny script and I'm really looking forward to seeing it being performed ...

I hate Word. Give me an Excel spreadsheet any day! Now for the Props list.

I must be mad - Oh yeah, I forgot ........ I am!!!!!!!

Lyric of the Blog: "I'm going slightly mad. It finally happened!" Queen

Friday, August 25, 2006

Time 1066 - Radio Advert

Today is going be a good one ! The sun is shining (well, it should be as it is August) and I'm working from home today whilst waiting for a phone call ...

Four of us including Director and I are going to the local radio station called Time 1066 later to record an advert.

It's going to be a recruitment advert for the group, specifically promoting the read through and auditions for panto to get some new faces to either perform in the show or help backstage with sound, light, costumes, set building, painting etc.

The best thing is, they've said that we can go back to them nearer the show to record another show advert, as we did with 'Forum' recently which will hopefully boost ticket sales.

Lyric of the Blog: "Video killed the Radio Star" - Buggles

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dick Whittington

The show was voted in by the membership at the 2005 AGM. The choices were Dick, Mother Goose or a third, which escapes me at the moment. All gave suitable oppertunities for the obvious 'Adult Night' gags (more about that some other time!).

So - that was that - Dick was voted in. And there the tale ends until July 2006 when the director decided that he'd run out of time to write the whole script himself and started trawling the internet searching for suitable scripts for us to use and/or adapt.

You'd be amazed at the number of variations on such a simple storyline in a variety of scripts...

Anyway - I have now sent emails to "Director", "BoxOffice" and "Set" to ask them to join this blog so that you don't just have to read my ramblings alone.....

Lyric of the Blog: "Turn Again Whittington, Thrice Mayor of London" Trad.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

So... Who exactly are CAST ?

CAST or Colnbrook Amateur Stage Theatre are a friendly, fun-loving and very enthusiastic theatre group based in Colnbrook, Berkshire in the United Kingdom, who have been running since 1990.
We perform three shows a year; a play in the spring, a musical in the summer and a pantomime each Christmas.
We sing, we dance and we act but we also build and paint our own sets, make as many of our own costumes and props as possible, work the lights and the sound, do the make up and cover front of house.
This blog has been created as, hopefully, an amusing insite into the world of amateur theatre…..
If you want to see what shows we have performed in the past, feel free to checkout our website

So – dive in and enjoy…..

Lyric of the Blog: "Who are You?, Who, Who, Who, Who?" Who